Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). 2 weeks left until November Flex, what PTs to take? - 7Sage Forum

2 weeks left until November Flex, what PTs to take?

_iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
in General 437 karma

I’ll be taking 4 PTs between now and then - probably all from PT 80s.

Any recommendations to which PTs I absolutely should take (ie difficult ones, trick games, etc)? Non PT 80s also fine.

Want to be ready for any tough scenarios come November!


  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    815 karma

    It's a hard cold world out there, not everything is going to be spoon fed to you. Do what ever works for you...

  • Tori98765Tori98765 Member
    105 karma

    I really recommend taking all of PT 77. Honestly the upper 70s were pretty good for exposure and from what I have heard from people that have taken July, August, and now October. Most of the flex exams resemble the questions found in the 70s. From what Powerscore described about the October test, one version of it was the unreleased February 2016 exam. I would spend time on those and if you are looking for a unique challenge to test how good you are with LG try your hand at PT 88. Good luck to everyone!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8485 karma

    Concur with @Tori98765 77 and 88 are good ones. 88 has some really good LR as well.

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    @Tori98765 Interesting! I’ve actually been drilling sections in the 70s and just reached the upper 70s so I guess this works !

    @canihazJD Ok, will do those two then!

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    @Tori98765 How many versions of exams are circulating per one exam period? I don’t know how I feel about so many different tests floating around but I guess it’s the consequence of a four day long testing period lol

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8485 karma

    @nw_39796 it's varied, but seems like the pool of tests/sections they draw from has been increasing. If you listen to powerscore's podcasts on each flex test they indicate what tests were used and how many combinations overall were possible.

  • Tori98765Tori98765 Member
    105 karma

    @nw_39796 yeah, I think Powerscore is also going to releasing a test prediction podcast for November a week before the test or something like that, so it may be worthwhile to check that out as well.

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2042 karma

    LSAC just updated Lawhub. They released PT 89 ( newest) in its regular form. They also released PT 73 in a flex version ( first time) as well brand new never seen May Flex test. I will be taking PT 73 Flex ( this will be a repeat, but 9 months ago) and also the May Flex and if you are just going to be taking a few more tests would highly recommend taking these as well as PT 88 which has difficult games.

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