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Meghan D.Meghan D. Member
in General 24 karma

Hey guys!
This might be a dumb question, but the transcript request stuff on the LSAC website really confuses me. Do I need to actually call my university and ask them to send my transcripts to LSAC? I currently have my school listed and it says that I have a transcript that has not been processed, but it has been close to three weeks... If anyone knows anything please let me know! #help


  • tmizzledtmizzled Core Member
    45 karma

    For my school at least, when I clicked to request a transcript it sent me to the actual portal on my schools page to purchase and send a transcript. Did you do anything along those lines? If so they can take a while to process depending on the school. Mine took about 3 weeks.

    If you already purchased and requested to send it to the LSAC then you might wanna call the office at your school to see whats up as I'd imagine it should not really take more than 3 weeks.

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