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Currently a junior, advice for applying

tmh5947tmh5947 Member
in General 313 karma

So I’m currently a Junior in undergrad, just took October and got a 167 which I’m happy with. I would like to get into Georgetown, so I believe I’m at there median (some sites say 167, some say 168) and my gpa is solid through almost 2 and a half years (3.87). Whats everyone think about Georgetown if I can keep my Gpa up? Also, since I’m only a junior, I won’t apply for another year and a half right? I didn’t know if I could send them stuff early or not, honestly don’t know much about the application process so any help would be great!! Thanks guys!


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @tmh5947 I definitely got on this journey in a different way, finished undergrad 10 years ago, but I think you are on track. I would definitely encourage you to keep that GPA up, and also to take the LSAT again. Maybe study for it over the summer and take it again next August or July. I say this not because a 167 is a bad score or puts Georgetown out of range, but because every point above that is going to increase your odds. Focus on what you need to in undergrad right now. You are, and this is presumption so forgive me if I am wrong, young. You have plenty of time to get into law school and what will serve you best is keeping that GPA up. Your worst case is fantastic in that maybe you miss out with that 167 right after undergrad and have to take a gap year. That will only improve your chances and gives you 2 years from now to improve that 167 on a test you are clearly already very capable of performing well on. Law schools like to see some employment before hand anyway.

    That, however, is your worst case scenario. I would encourage you to keep up your fantastic work in undergrad and take the test again in the summer. August should let you apply right away in September. You have your university's prelaw and writing resources to help you prepare your application materials and you also have the ability to save up and avail yourself of 7sage's programs if you decide that is something you want to invest it. Next year should be a less competitive year than this year, though I do not know how the higher than usual medians from this year will play out. You are in a great place and the fact that you came here shows you have your head on straight and are approaching this in the best way possible.

  • whatlikeitshardwhatlikeitshard Alum Member
    220 karma

    Wow...what I would give for that great of a GPA and a diagnostic that high. Congratulations, you are absolutely on the right track!! Like what @VerdantZephyr said above, definitely do everything you can to keep your GPA up. That is the "easier" route to get into a great law school rather than suffer and study your brains out with the LSAT. I think you can only go up from here! If you put some more effort into the LSAT, you can score well and get into an ever higher ranked law school and get scholarship money. Wish you the best on this journey!

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