Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). in need of help - 7Sage Forum

in need of help

edited May 2015 in General 66 karma
Hello everyone, hope all is well; I am writing this post after taking a PT, (my 8th total), and i am literally heart broken.

After spending the last year pushing like iv'e never pushed before, I was able to graduate at the end of the summer while taking 25 units in the spring and another 12 units over the summer. To say the least, I finally graduated and got my bachelor's in Sociology from a CSU.

In September, I signed up for the Blueprint LSAT Prep course offered at their original location, by the original founder. working 10 hours a day (8AM-6PM), and putting MY ALL into this prep class, I reached a point where i realized that there is absolutely no possible way to take the December LSAT and score good. I simply wasn't ready; I studied every single day, 7 days a week (6 hours on a day on weekdays, 12-14 hours a day on weekends), The class FLEW by, the instructor was expecting WAY too much, and everything was a complete blur. I worked my BUTT off to save the 1,500.00$ required to pay for that class.

So i rescheduled for the February LSAT, and extended my access for another 350.00$; Realizing, AGAIN, that I am nowhere near my target score (165+) that I need in order to go to any T20+ school (my LSAC GPA is in the gutter.. horrible 2.62), I RESCHEDULED AGAIN. Another heart-breaking moment for me and everyone else around me. At this point, my parents (my father, a VERY hard to please person, works for the department in the US Gov.. can't say which) were completely disgusted with this delay, I was (and still am!) impatiently waiting to start law school and make my dream come true; I so upset at myself that I did not know what to do.

So, what did i do? I quit my 65,000$+/year job, put all my savings towards my bills, hired a private tutor that costs an arm and a leg, buckled down, and made this my top priority for the past 4 months. I have been studying ALMOST EVERY single day, taking 1 or 2 days off a week, and meeting with the tutor at least once a week. while studying, my tutor gave me a study schedule:
by the end of April- We will be completely done with all the material, and we will start doing Practice Tests. 2 weeks before doing practice tests, I started drilling entire sections. i was getting -6/-8 on each section when i was drilling by question or by section; suddenly, when i started PT'ing, my scores are in the gutter.

Today, at of my 8th PT, i have not been able to score higher than a 153. i am completely devastated by the lack of progress made. I've been blind reviewing every single test, I have been going over every single question until I could verbally tell you the question with one breath of air.

Everyone, I seriously do not know what to do anymore. i cannot postpone this exam further. June is my date! My games are not great at all, my LR foundation is solid as heck, I can easily identify assumptions/flaws, but for some reason that is beyond me i cannot break past a 151!

someone out there please save me and please tell me what to do

[Edited by mods]
Heavily edited to remove all caps which is in violation of forum rule #9


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    What's your breakdown per section? You say that games aren't great but give me an example of the number of questions you typically miss per section in LR, RC and LG. You said extending access, does that mean Blueprint or the 7sage course? If you haven't gone through the 7sage curriculum, I would drop everything else and do that. Nothing has helped me improve like 7sage. How are your blind review scores? Eliminating the time constraint can help identify how strong your fundamentals really are.

    Also, how were your PT scores before? Could be that stress is affecting your concentration, endurance, etc.
  • 66 karma
    brna0714- The breakdown per section is fairly confusing as well;

    Up until recently, my biggest problem was the games- they just wouldnt register! after doing over 100 games in the past 3 months, now its narrowed down to -10/-8, mainly due to the fact that i dont have enough time to finish the 4th game.. and thats WITH 40 mins per section.

    I've been doing the 7sage Fool Proof Method Logic Games, the reading comprehension memory retainment method, and the blind review. the crazy and even scary issue- i do worse on blind review that on the regular PT. I got a 152 on PT#6 I took, and when i did the blind review, it dropped to 150.

  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited May 2015 3545 karma
    Q1: When you take timed sections/drill, do you time yourself? For me, I noticed that my untimed strategies and timed strategies were totally different so it wasn't helpful for me to take untimed anything since they wouldn't translate over.

    Q2: Can you walk us through your mental process when you approach a game and its questions? You could be skipping some essential pre-work prior to hitting the games that's impacting your score and time.

    Q3: When you take a PT, what goes through your mind/what do you do when you get to a question you don't fully understand? Does your brain go into full on panic mode? Do you go straight to the answer choices anyways?

    Depending on your answers to these questions, you shouldn't be TOO concerned with your BR score being worse than your PT score. My guess is that you're psyching yourself out when you take PTs and the pressure to get each question right to get to a better score contributes to you making logical errors that you normally wouldn't make when drilling.

    In general though, I'd say that you still need to revisit the fundamentals. Even if you're missing 10 per logic game section, you're still missing at least 30 questions between the remaining LR and RC sections (my guess). I think it'd be fairly beneficial for you to 1) revisit material and 2) drill by question type (see Cambridge packets). Since this isn't your first time studying, I would recommend filling in a piece of paper (from memory) listing as many LR question types and their respective approaches as you can remember. If you don't remember a question type, you should revisit those (unless they're super obscure like MBF). If you can remember a question type (say MBT question) but can't write down how you'd approach it, that shows a gap in understanding of how to approach the question in "real-time." I'm sure by now you're familiar with the strategies given to you in 7sage/Blueprint/or whatever prep test material you used from a higher-level but that doesn't necessarily mean you know how to execute those strategies during the test. The purpose of this exercise is to tailor your studies to question types, cement the fundamentals, and drill to your weaknesses become your strengths.

    Now, for LG, there's the fool-proof method (re-doing a game until you can get finish it in the recommended time). However, it's important to have good LG habits as well. Do you take the time to make scenarios? Do you take the time to make deductions after you see the rules? Can you anticipate when you should make scenarios and when you shouldn't? Can you figure out which rule or rule(s) will be the most restrictive/important in this game? These are things you should be able to do and need to practice in order to improve your accuracy and time.

    Again, it's hard to help out more without knowing the particulars of your weaknesses but I'd be happy to help in any way and hope this can provide some guidance in moving forward with your studies. I know it's frustrating but you got this :]
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    Okay, you may or may not like the advice I'm going to give you considering you've already dropped a substantial amount of money on prep courses but I really, really feel it's going to be the quickest way to improve your score.

    IMO- You need to purchase the actual 7Sage course, the most basic one costs $179. It will totally blow you away. Not to speak badly of your tutor or Blueprint but they clearly haven't given you the foundation you need to improve your score. 7Sage has helped me and countless others (just check out the forum) improve tremendously. There is so much more to the course than just the BR, foolproof method and the memory method. I don't think you'll regret checking it out out at all.

    Check out this thread if you need more convincing: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2781/stories-of-significant-score-improvement
  • 66 karma
    @blah170blah said:
    Q1: When you take timed sections/drill, do you time yourself? For me, I noticed that my untimed strategies and timed strategies were totally different so it wasn't helpful for me to take untimed anything since they wouldn't translate over.

    Q2: Can you walk us through your mental process when you approach a game and its questions? You could be skipping some essential pre-work prior to hitting the games that's impacting your score and time.

    Q3: When you take a PT, what goes through your mind/what do you do when you get to a question you don't fully understand? Does your brain go into full on panic mode? Do you go straight to the answer choices anyways?

    Q1: Yes! i absolutely time myself; i started with 1:24 per question, then did 4 questions in 5:36 (5 minutes 36 seconds), and worked my way up to 35 mins per sections. My Diagramming is alright, not the greatest, but it has improved tremendously; yet, When i am doing a PT, i feel like the way im speeding through the question is obviously not the same as when im doing it untimed, and i find myself having to read it AT LEAST one more time.

    Q2: when i approach a game:
    1. i identify what type of game based on the stimulus- set up my gameboard, game pieces.
    2. list all the rules out as clean and as simple as possible
    3. check for any major deductions after i have checked all my rules
    4. ask myself "where is the deductions? do i have constraint pieces/slots? are scenarios possible?"
    if scenarios are possible- i attempt it based on the rule that will show me (linked option for player, blocks, constraint slots)
    5. approach the questions

    Q3: When i take a PT, this is no joke, exactly what goes through my mind: "FDJFHBDFDSKJFNSDFKJSDNFKJDNBSFKJSDNFSDKJFNSDKJFNDSKJFNSDKJFNSDKJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I am in such a hurry, so stressed, completely out of my comfort zone. I even did a timed section with my tutor, and he's like "Dude, what the heck is wrong with you? you looked like you were about to get a heart attack!". My brain goes in to FULL panic mode, try to diagram as fast/as best as i can, but i spend too much time looking at the stimulus like a deer in headlights, trying to wrap my mind around it. So what happens as a result? I dive head first into the answer choices! after spending so much time (Since i can tell that i spend WAY too much time between answer choices), i just circle the one i think is best (i usually get it down to 2) and move on.

    my BIGGEST fear right now is not being ready for the June LSAT. my parents gave me a deadline to leave my place by end of october, so its a MUST for me to take the LSAT, use the advantage of applying early + Good LSAT score to compensate for my horrific GPA, work as much as i can so i can afford rent for about 4-6 months, and off to law school i go.

    blah170blah & brna0714, thank you SO MUCH for responding.
  • 66 karma
    @brna0714 said:
    Okay, you may or may not like the advice I'm going to give you considering you've already dropped a substantial amount of money on prep courses but I really, really feel it's going to be the quickest way to improve your score.

    IMO- You need to purchase the actual 7Sage course, the most basic one costs $179. It will totally blow you away. Not to speak badly of your tutor or Blueprint but they clearly haven't given you the foundation you need to improve your score. 7Sage has helped me and countless others (just check out the forum) improve tremendously. There is so much more to the course than just the BR, foolproof method and the memory method. I don't think you'll regret checking it out out at all.

    Check out this thread if you need more convincing: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2781/stories-of-significant-score-improvement

    Do i have enough time??? i have less than 30 days left until the June 2015 LSAT!
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    I think you can get through the 7Sage course in a month but it will be tough to implement any sort of drilling/section drilling/PT's into that timeframe. What exactly is your financial/living situation? Are you living at your parents' place until Oct?
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @tom.kinan.311 said:
    Q1: Yes! i absolutely time myself; i started with 1:24 per question, then did 4 questions in 5:36 (5 minutes 36 seconds), and worked my way up to 35 mins per sections. My Diagramming is alright, not the greatest, but it has improved tremendously; yet, When i am doing a PT, i feel like the way im speeding through the question is obviously not the same as when im doing it untimed, and i find myself having to read it AT LEAST one more time.
    When you drill, have you timed yourself the other way? It's a lot easier to answer questions in a certain time frame if you don't feel like you HAVE to answer them in a certain time frame. Try timing yourself the other way around and see if you feel the same stress during drilling as you do during the PT. Ultimately, you want to condition your mind to be comfortable with the time constraint (which is a lot easier said than done).
    @tom.kinan.311 said:
    Q2: when i approach a game:
    1. i identify what type of game based on the stimulus- set up my gameboard, game pieces.
    2. list all the rules out as clean and as simple as possible
    3. check for any major deductions after i have checked all my rules
    4. ask myself "where is the deductions? do i have constraint pieces/slots? are scenarios possible?"
    if scenarios are possible- i attempt it based on the rule that will show me (linked option for player, blocks, constraint slots)
    5. approach the questions
    How much time do you spend on scenarios? It sounds like you're doing all the right things but maybe you're spending too much time. Also, some people say this is a time suck but this has helped me tremendously: look at the questions. If you see more "if" than "when" questions, there's a lot less diagramming up front you have to do because you'll have to do a lot of scenario building for each question. If you have more "which" or "when" question, that means inferences need to be made up front. Another trick I use is to start with the "which" or "when" questions first. This either shows that I've made a good set up with the necessary inferences or forces me to make those inferences to get those questions right. This also makes the "if" questions a lot less time-consuming since I did the work up front.
    @tom.kinan.311 said:
    Q3: When i take a PT, this is no joke, exactly what goes through my mind: "FDJFHBDFDSKJFNSDFKJSDNFKJDNBSFKJSDNFSDKJFNSDKJFNDSKJFNSDKJFNSDKJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Omg, are you me? This used to be me. I don't know how to do this for LG but I used to and still do have time troubles with LR. While I got much better at translating my drilling habits during testing conditions, I still took shortcuts during PTs that I wouldn't take during drilling (most notably, POE). So now, I start the LR section from question 12/13/14 and do the last questions first and then go back to the easier one. It sounds like a time suck but, honestly, it's been incredibly helpful. When I hit question 23, I'm no longer in panic mode. Instead of, "OMG YOU'RE ON 23 AND YOU HAVE 2 MINUTES TO GET THIS RIGHT BUT YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ARGUMENT... OMGOMOGMOG YOU WILL FAIL THIS SECTION," I think, "Hm, you have plenty of time. Go back to the argument... what's the conclusion, premise, how are they trying to trick you? Ah, now you have a better understanding of the argument now let's go to the questions." My inner voice has gotten a LOT calmer since I switched to this method and, in turn, I get less wrong in the 20s. Also, since the ones in the beginning are typically easier (not always but mostly), I feel more comfortably relying on my gut instinct to get those questions right than I would for questions in the 20s.

    I think you're not too far from where you want to be in June but you do have some big steps ahead of you. For one, your drilling accuracy should be at a 80-90% to show that you truly do have the fundamentals down. If you don't, go back to the books. Go on TLS or explore other prep resources and see if somebody has a better way of approaching a question than your previous material and understanding. Secondly, do whatever you need to do to calm your mind down during practice tests. I had this same problem but the two phrases I repeat to myself over and over when I take a PT now is, "This is no way a measure of your intelligence and you are not a stupid person" and, "It's better to make mistakes now than on the real test. Growth mindset all the way" to prevent myself from freaking out during the test.
  • edited May 2015 66 karma
    @ddakjiking said:
    I think you can get through the 7Sage course in a month but it will be tough to implement any sort of drilling/section drilling/PT's into that timeframe. What exactly is your financial/living situation? Are you living at your parents' place until Oct?


    Yes. Unfortunately, the June LSAT is my only option; My whole law school application packet is completely ready to go (incredible essays, stellar letters of recommendation, resume with all my internships including law offices and courthouse [over 200 hours]).

    the T20's law schools i want to go to are in grasp. its just this darn LSAT SCORE!!
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    It's not ideal by any means but if there really is no way for you to push back your test date, then it's your best bet. You could take a couple weeks and work through what you can in the curriculum (trying to hit the major point, foundational logic, etc.) and then take another PT and see where you are. There's no point in banging your head against a wall, taking PTs repeatedly if your score is not getting closer to your target.
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    Hi Tom. I'm Meg. I need you to do me a huge favor and just take a deep breath for a few moments. I need you to do me another favor and remember that in the end it will be ok. Whatever happens, it will be ok. Perhaps another deep breath. One more. Ok, let's get cracking.

    You've already identified the most troubling part of your LSAT struggles- the BR score. BR is the most important part of improving on the LSAT since it enables you to identify your weak spots without time constraints; however,ideally your BR score will be higher than your timed score. Since your BR score is lower than your timed sections, it is indicative of a disconnect with the fundamentals. I understand the time constraints and familial pressures. I'm dealing with very much the same thing right now and it is possibly the worst thing about studying for the LSAT. I often say "I can deal with the LSAT, just not what my family thinks about the LSAT." Yet, the LSAT is a roadblock on the way to your dream, and I think you owe it to yourself to attain the score you want, deserve, and will ultimately benefit you in your future career as an attorney.

    @brna0714 asks a good question: have you gone through the 7Sage curriculum? I do not work for 7Sage and have absolutely no incentive for telling you to do this, but I think covering the fundamentals from a different perspective will help you. Right now, it seems that you've hit a plateau and your efforts are more quantitative rather than qualitative. If your BR score is not improving, then it is definitely a fundamentals problem. Speed comes with practice but a mastery of the fundamentals is the only way to improve your LSAT comprehension.

    Other than drilling LSAT questions, what study materials are you using? That might be your issue, as it was mine. I started studying for the LSAT in June of 2014. I purchased all of the PowerScore Bibles and read through them taking copious notes. Corollary to your BluePrint experience, the entire PS course was a blur but for the sake of expediency I jumped into PTing. I completed 5 PTs but didn't see any improvement since in reality I had NO idea what I was doing. I canceled my October 2014 test date and resolved to start from the beginning. After a long break, I purchased the 7Sage Ultimate Course and am almost finished with it where I will hopefully start PTing this month. Things are starting to 'click' for me now in a way that I never experienced in the past. I initially thought it was stupid to review conditionals, but I never actually memorized them before and was constantly getting confused on sufficiency and necessity. I never realized before that I could think of an RC passage as a long LR question and apply similar methods of breaking down the argument and support (premise/conclusion). These are just a few things I've encountered in my LSAT do-over and I think you might benefit from starting from the beginning with 7Sage or maybe the Trainer (or both!). You could spend thousands of hours studying for the LSAT but if you're using poor materials then you're just wasting precious time.

    I hope this helps and if you have additional questions/comments, please feel free to tag me in your reply. Good luck!
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Try to reason with your parents to see whether an Oct is a possibility.


    It will be early enough in the month (Oct 3) that you might just get your score by the end of October if not the first week of November. Submitting around this time is considered EARLY! Some schools don't even start reviewing applicants until late November or even later.

    This isn't directly LSAT-related, but where do you see yourself working after law school? When you say T20 I'm guessing you want to get into USC/UCLA. Unfortunately schools in California really love high GPAs so you'll probably need at least 170 for a shot.
  • edited May 2015 66 karma
    [removed for excessive use of caps]

    1. I'll be revisiting fundamentals this entire weekend. Everything will be completely gone over by sunday night.

    2. on monday morning, 5/11/2015 - it will be exactly 27 Days left until the June 2015 LSAT. Tell me WHAT to do, HOW to do, and WHEN to do, and it will be done.

    I know my capabilities.. I am definitely invested enough in this to make it happen in 27 days. I've done things that looked much less possible, because I literally have the eye of the tiger and a chip on my shoulder.

    If A-N-Y of you help me make this happen by providing experience-rooted insight, you have yourself a person that if, for any reason, you need something in Los Angeles, it is considered DONE. I am widely known for my big heart and am highly praised for keeping my word. I just cant afford paying for any more tutoring sessions, and just by looking at the 7sage basic program, i know i don't have enough time.

    [removed for excessive use of caps]
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    How do you plan to review fundamentals? Just curious!
  • edited May 2015 66 karma
    @brna0714 said:
    How do you plan to review fundamentals? Just curious!


    I was planning on going through each question type, find its relation to formal logic argument and structure and how it is prevailed within the argument. Drill the life out of each one and carve into my brain how each and every correct and incorrect principles are shown in the answer choices.

    do you have any recommendations to review fundamentals better? I also still have all the cambridge, blueprint, powerscore, and kaplan packets with all the information.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    I was genuinely just curious. I found it beneficial to seek out a different perspective. Started with 7Sage which gave me 95% of my foundation and then used the LSAT Trainer and Manhattan prep to solidify everything. I still say you could benefit from reviewing via the basic 7Sage course ;)

    If not, I'd still recommend looking for something new. Going through the same materials and expecting a different result seems a little silly, assuming you've already worked through the materials you mentioned. Just my opinion, of course.
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    This doesn't sound right..

    2.6 GPA, Quit $65k/year job, took a Blueprint course, studied full time for a great length of time, hired a private tutor, can't PT above 153, wants to get into a T20 school

    This has to be a troll..

    But if it's not, to be honest this doesn't sound like a very good situation. For one, June should be out of the question. Second that private tutor needs to be fired. Just take a deep breath and forget the past year and start over. Unless you have a very good story a 165 isn't going to get you into a top 20 school. You're going to need to get a 170+ IMO.

    I don't mean to a offend but if all the facts are indeed true, something went horribly wrong with your plan. Stop and reassess before you continue. If you still want to continue with your LSAT/Law School plan, good for you, learn from whatever you did before by not doing the same thing people here I find have a lot of experience and are helpful. If you can somehow get your job back, do it. I work full time and study for the LSAT while I can. Having a job gives you the flexibility to postpone. Maybe you need some work experience and life experience to give your resume a boost to compensate for the low GPA and that will give you time to get a better score. Sorry for being a little harsh but it seems like you need someone to give it to you straight.
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    I'd say if you're comfortable with your knowledge of fundamentals, after you take tests under timed conditions and thoroughly BR the entire test, watch the explanation videos for the LG and perhaps upgrade the course to get the explanations for PT 36+. The video explanations are GOLD and will definitely help improve your reasoning for each question. Since you may not be familiar with the 7Sage way of doing things, I recommend watching the explanation for every question. It sounds tedious but will be worth it in the long run. This might be the best of both worlds actually, you'd be getting the instruction of 7Sage without the time commitment of going through the entire course. At the very least I would go through the LGs again using the fool proof method but also watch all of the videos. For LG and RC maybe get 7Sage Basic and cover the question types that you're struggling the most with. The Trainer would help with that too. You don't have to go through everything, but a fresh perspective on your weaker question types might work wonders for you. Stick to 7Sage and the Trainer. The other prep materials solely deserve to be kindling or used to prop open a window on a breezy summer afternoon.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Why must June be the date of the LSAT? Are you applying for this upcoming cycle? I mean if you want your app & score sent early most schools are still early in the cycle to take your Oct. LSAT. Wouldn't you rather postpone your date and be at your target score instead? I wish I had someone tell me before that if I wasn't ready to take the LSAT and scoring my target score then to postpone. Nobody wants to take the LSAT more then once. It's not fun. Imagine having to put in all the work you've done up until now for a second time? Wouldn't you just want to prepare for it once and get it over with forever? That's why you have the option to postpone. Also, don't go into the LSAT with the mindset that if you do not do well your 1st time then you will just retake the next LSAT. Wouldn't you rather take the LSAT once and know that your prep will get you the score of 165+ because the avg. of your last 3 PTs is 165+? The price of taking the LSAT isn't cheap either.

    I see that LG is not the easiest for you how have you been prepping for it? Do you watch 7Sage's videos on LG? Do you follow the fool proof method?

    Do you blind review your PTs? Do you drill a particular set of questions that are giving you a hard time? How do you see improvement in your score? Are you currently enrolled in a 7Sage course?
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    My first 12 practice tests averaged 159. My last 3 jumped to 167, 166, 166 all with 169 if I had less than 3 more minutes. It took that many to really recognize the patterns of the answers and be able to blow thorough them. Don't waste them, but take as many as you can! Oh, and buy the course for sure, there is a schedule to get you through the materials before the test. You are already dedicating so much time, you should be able to get through. You will be great, I also have a low gpa and after 7 months of studying blew it with a 155 in Feb (that was when I had a 160 prep test average). I put my daughter in daycare in April and started focusing on studying. The first 167 I thought was a fluke, I had 1 165 before. The second, I thought, ok, maybe I've crossed over. The third I imputed my answers and got a 157. I thought, see it wasn't real. When I reviewed what I had done wrong I realized all of section 3 was wrong . I filled all of section 4 into the spaces for section 3 in the grader. I actually had a166. I'm really finally there. The course is amazing, but doing more tests with the course is what pushed me over the line. I hesitate to even give any advice because I hardly believe myself that one day I just jumped 7 points but I did. You will too. We are all rooting for you.
  • edited May 2015 66 karma
    Hi everyone! QUICK update:
    1.- First off, I'd like to thank EVERY single person that has commented on this discussion, you have all been really great (except for a selected few)
    2.- To all the morons who are able to ONLY come up with negative, non-constructive, non-objective criticism- i really wish i could type what i really want you to do, but 7sage's nature, as well as its guidelines, are keeping my mouth shut. (i'll give you a hint; jump off a cliff with something in your rectum).

    3. I've been taking all the advice from here, including signing up for 7sage. its been really helpful, but honestly, I just don't have the time to sit and re-do everything over from the start. i've been doing mainly the Fool-Proof Method for games (which has been helping tremendously), The Memory Retention for Reading Comp (Also, a huge help), and Watching/Reading all the explanations for the LR's. I also started doing Blind Review for every Preptest so far, and as promised to you all, I spent this past Saturday-Monday going back to fundamentals, hammering it in as much as humanly possible. I took my first PT since this change yesterday, Scored it, and Blind Reviewed it Today..

    SO, I took everyone's advice, changed up the order of the LR's (did 1-12 first, then 20-25, then 13-20), Read a bit different on reading comp (Didn't TAG the passage as much, but did much more detailed reading and read several main key sentences twice), and for the Logic Games- 3 of the games had 5 questions.. first 2 games were easy, but once i looked at the 3rd game, i saw 5 questions AGAIN, i was like "what the hell? where the rest of the questions?" so i flipped to Game 4, and it was the HARDEST game I have seen in my life, with 8 questions on it. I immediately went for that one, and K-I-L-L-E-D it! (-2 on the game, but holy moly it was crazy).


    Initial Score: 151. Not happy about it at all. Breakdown:
    Section 1/LG: -10 (Missed 4, couldn't make it to last game). Section2/LR: -12 (-8 from the questions attempted, guessed -4 and got them all wrong). Section3/LR: -10 (-6 from the questions attempted, guessed -4 and got them all wrong). Section 4/RC: -12 (Probably the hardest, most unreal Reading Comprehension Section i have EVER done)

    Although I am not happy at all with the score, there is one specific thing im happy about.. THE BLIND REVIEW. Everyone, i got a 161 on the Blind Review!!!! that means i'm learning, i'm absorbing this stuff, and i'm recognizing the idiotic errors iv'e been making!!!!!!!!

    Now, back to the drawing board... everyone, please continue to help me. You all have NO IDEA how big of a difference this discussion thread is making for me. KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!

    big thanks to @brna0714 , @blah170blah , @ddakjiking , @VegMeg55 , @emli1000 , @ashley3460 for everything. you are all angels.

    @visualcreed - I can only pray to whoever is upstairs that someday, they may have mercy on your soul. You should never be an attorney; "sorry but had to give it to you rough" is not a disclaimer for being completely out of line; You have no idea who I am, and what iv'e gone through to even be alive right now. You should be thanking people like me, I am the reason you sleep in your bed at night with no care in the world. I am the reason you have the freedom to say whatever your arrogance allows you to say. I am the reason you and your family are still walking this land. Be respectful and know your place.

    [user was banned for this post. please review our forum rules.]
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @tom.kinan.311 said:
    You should be thanking people like me, I am the reason you sleep in your bed at night with no care in the world. I am the reason you have the freedom to say whatever your arrogance allows you to say. I am the reason you and your family are still walking this land. Be respectful and know your place.
    Are you in the military?
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    Wha..?.. I have the perfect reaction gif for this thread. Lemme see if I can find it...
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    .. but in all seriousness, I think everyone is just trying to help. So let's all keep things civil.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @brna0714 I believe I have just the gif you're looking for:


    your turn :)
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited May 2015 1489 karma
    @nicole.hopkins Nah. I'm done studying for the night so it's more like...

    some text
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited May 2015 7965 karma
    @brna0714 Y E S. Picard is joining you in your spectatorship:

  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    *I'm DONE studying... typo! some text
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Someone teach me how to add gifs! PUH-LEEEEEZ lol
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    @tom.kinan.311 You're right, I apologize, I was out of line with that troll comment but I stand by the rest of what I was saying. It's obvious you need to rethink your plan..it's plain to see it's not working. I'm pretty sarcastic by nature and I admit I let it slip a bit, however, don't ignore what I said. You took a step in the right direction by looking for help, I still say you need to change your study habits and you need to postpone your June test and you need a pretty good score to get into a school you want.

    I'm assuming by your remark that you're the reason why I sleep without worrying is because you're in the military, if so thanks for your service but don't think you're the reason for anything in my life, you're absolutely right I don't know you, at the same time do you know me? My arrogance comes from dealing with privates all day long...

    I in no way want you to fail and I hope you succeed but you can't without realizing your failures and making necessary adjustments.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @visualcreed said:
    My arrogance comes from dealing with privates all day long...
    What line of work are you in, @visualcreed ?
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @emli1000 It's just a matter of 1) finding the gif you want 2) copying the URL and 3) using an HTML img tag (image tag). Just google HTML img tag :)
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    edited May 2015 326 karma
    @nicole.hopkins I like to think of myself as a wannabe programmer but full time I'm in the military (privates meant to reference my soldiers although I probably get more arrogance from having to argue with officers), getting out in August thus Law School is calling.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @visualcreed Awesome. Glad to have you in the forum! Army?
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Okay, this thread got out of hand really quick.
    @tom.kinan.311 said:
    "sorry but had to give it to you rough" is not a disclaimer for being completely out of line
    I think YOU are the person who needs to take it down at least twelve notches. Wishing death upon people is not how we handle situations, especially not at 7Sage. Maybe you need to review our forum rules again.

    All @visualcreed did was give you a little bit of tough love (I honestly don't see the fault in his post or what you could've taken offense to other than "This has to be a troll") and you think it warrants THAT kind of a reply? I'm giving you a week vacation from the forums. When you return, tone it down with both the verbal abuse and your use of caps. I've already emailed you a warning about that once.
This discussion has been closed.