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Hi everyone!
I am excited to say that I will be leading BR Calls for PT76 with the next session on Friday, December 18th at 6PM EST
We will be focusing on the second LR section of this PT (Section 4).
In the process of going through the blind review I hope to touch on good test-taking strategy, good reading habits, differentiating attractive answer choices, and more. Hopefully there will be something useful for everyone here!
The link is posted below!
Also, here are a few housekeeping matters about the session:
A. Unfortunately, due to LSAC policy, I will not be able to share my screen with the test questions up. So to get the most out of the session, I recommend having your own copy of the PT, regardless if it is digital or paper.
B. Please do not go over the answers on your own before our session, since the more that we can work through the reasoning as a group, the more we will learn together.
C. Although I encourage participation and will be asking for volunteers both to read the passages and answer questions, please have your microphone on mute if you are not being called upon and also try to be in a reasonably quiet place if possible.
D. I plan to keep this thread going and will add dates for future sessions at the bottom as I finalize the dates. I will update the title to reflect the session date that is soonest!
Next Session: PT76 Logical Reasoning (Session 4)
Additional Sessions: TBA
I look forward to seeing all of you soon! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!
James Marmaduke is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Dec 18, 2020 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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thank you so much for doing this! Just wanted to clarify if the session in on the 7th or 8th
@yeasm22s Hi! The first session will be on the 7th, the second session will be on the 8th. I decided to split it up since I doubt that we will get through everything in one round. Also, since the last passages are usually harder, this will give people a chance to digest what we do on the first night before applying those techniques to the later passages. I hope this helps!
Thank you for all your help to the community, @jmarmaduke96. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it due to work. Have a great BR session!!
Marked and super hyped for this!
Thank you so much for doing this!! see you then!
thank you, I will be there!
Thank you so much, I will be there.
This is great!
thanks so much!!
YES! So excited!
Great! I persume we will have the link shortly?
The link is at the bottom of the post! Thank you!
Thanks for this! I will hopefully be able to make it! I should be out of class when it starts.
@bradyjohnson64 Excellent, I hope you can make it! If you get stuck in class and are a few minutes late dont worry about it, you will still be able to catch most of it!
@jmarmaduke96, thank you so much for doing these for us! Would you consider if one session is Monday and second session is Wednesday or one session is Tuesday and and second session is Thursday? As we can have time to digest them on the next night after you teach us, I work full time so I only have time to study after work or before work. Thanks!
Definitely I will be there!
@Alice003 There will absolutely be sessions later in the week/the weekend, so there will certainly be time to let the approach sink in! Also, once this one is over I will get BR calls for another PT going, so no worries!
I am interested! Will try to come after my class. thank you for doing this
Starting in about 25 minutes, looking forward to seeing everyone!
@jmarmaduke96 great session. Thank you for efficiently guiding us through the passage and questions. I'll keep in mind your tip to keep an eye out for and highlight odd details in the passage, thrown in the middle of sentences seemingly off topic. One of my pain points with RC is confidence for the questions focused on random passage details, so look forward to trying this out.
Thank you for coming everyone! I had a good time, I hope it was helpful. The next session will be tomorrow and will focus on RC passages 3 and 4!
Had to leave after Passage 1 but were you able to cover P2 as well? @jmarmaduke96
@lsatdiva333 We did not end up going over passage 2 during this session, no. Most people wanted to get to passages 3 and 4 tomorrow, so those will be the focus of that session. I will do something so that anyone who has questions about passage 2 can get them answered though. Perhaps I will host an additional session for that, im open to ideas!
Starting soon! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Thank you so much James for hosting these sessions!
Thanks James for the amazing session/discussion today on such a difficult passage. Looking forward to the next one! -Grace
^^ditto what grace said, thank you so much for your time on tuesday and monday! they were such growth experiences!
Starting in 20 minutes, looking forward to seeing everyone!
Never mind!
Aww, I just got notified about this
when’s your next call?
@jmarmaduke96 what time will the dec 18 session occur ?
@Ru_mp1639 @yazminse Sorry I neglected to put the time! The next call (focusing on LR) will be this Friday at 6PM EST!
Following for updates
Will be there!
Perfect, thanks for this, James.
Getting started now!
No one has let me in... says host is in another meeting
sign me up please!