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#Help Urgent. LSAT Addenda??

karko2525karko2525 Member
edited December 2020 in Law School Admissions 620 karma

Hi guys, so I took both the August and November flex exams. On the November exam, I ended up getting a score that is 8 points higher than what I received in August (Thank God) BUT now I have a dilemma. After receiving my score, I immediately started applying to schools because I heard it's best to submit by Thanksgiving. I thought my score increase was pretty middle of the road and nothing extreme since I read on multiple blogs that an LSAT addenda should mainly be written for extreme increases (10+ points). That said, I did not write any LSAT addenda for the 11 schools I have applied to so far.. (big yikes).. but I read some of the posts on here and it seems like some schools require an addendum or highly encourage one when there's a score increase of 5+ points.... so basically, I am freaking out because I submitted so many applications already and don't know if it's too late to write one or if I need one for the ones I submitted? Will law schools contact me or is this something where I need to call them and see if I can submit it even though my application has been sent in? Any insight and advice would be appreciated.


  • Member
    168 karma

    I don't think you need to/should write an addenda. Most people who retake the LSAT score higher their second time around. Unless you have a really, really good reason as to why you're first take was not reflective of your capabilities, I don't think you should write one. Even in that case, I don't think it's necessary though.

  • karko2525karko2525 Member
    620 karma Thank you for your insight! I feel the same way which is why I did not write an addendum to begin with, but I ended up calling the schools I applied to today. Turns out some of them prefer an explanation and some don't care so I'm just going to write one haha but thank you again! Knowing what to do for applications is so confusing sometimes

  • madi2639madi2639 Member
    117 karma

    I would also reach out to your top schools and just ask. I did that recently and they said an addenda was unnecessary.

  • karko2525karko2525 Member
    620 karma

    @madi2639 yup! Called all the schools and heard back from all except 1 so far. Thanks for the help :)

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