I've been PT-ing the 60s, and just did PT 70. The style of LR is definitely different than the older ones, and can be a bit rattling. I do lots of drilling during my regular practice (both question types and full sections). Do you suggest focusing on drilling from the newer tests (I do not mean the newest 10 or so, that I am reserving for PTs)? If so, what constitutes as "new"? 50s, 60s? I've burned through PTs up until the mid-60s, but I definitely see the value in re-doing old PTs for drilling. I have been using the 30s and 40s for drills, but thinking maybe I should focus on the newer ones, to get used to the style of the new PTs, even if I took them more recently.
What do you suggest? That was primarily regarding LR, but if you have suggestions for LG and RC, would be great. I just asked about LR because that is my major battle.