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Any tips on how to improve accuracy under timed conditions?

RA-1RA-1 Core Member
edited December 2020 in January 2021 LSAT 55 karma

Im taking the Jan2021 LSAT and when i do preptests, my blind review score is constantly better than my actual score (usually 150s actual score and 170s BR). My last PT my actual score was 153 and my blind review score was 177. Anybody have any suggestions on how to improve my score under timed conditions?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Work on timing/skipping strategies, and do a comprehensive written review of anything that gave you trouble on the test. The deeper you get into actually articulating what you did vs what you should be doing, the better you will be able to recognize similar patterns. Conceptual understanding is only part of it... efficiency of application is as important if not moreso.

  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    super helpful Q & A above ^

  • EbethStudent16EbethStudent16 Alum Member
    82 karma

    Can anyone point me to JY talking about timing or skipping strategies?

  • kamelbrooklynkamelbrooklyn Alum Member
    edited December 2020 36 karma

    In games, it will always save you time to make proper inferences before you begin as opposed to only writing down the rules. Knowing how to correctly inference (and when to stop inferencing) is crucial to answering quickly.
    In LR (and RC) knowing IMMEDIATELY what each question stem is SPECIFICALLY ASKING YOU TO DO will save you a lot of time-because you'll know what to look for in the stimulus AND the answer choices.
    Also, understanding key words that allude to premise/conclusion, are crucial. Identifying exactly what's going on just by seeing certain words helps things go by a lot faster.
    And also, plenty of practice.

    I also learned that, ironically, stopping and taking maybe 30 seconds to breathe every so often and regain your sense of composure, believe it or not- saves you time in the long run. The better your brain can move, the faster you don't realize you're going.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @EbethStudent16 said:
    Can anyone point me to JY talking about timing or skipping strategies?

  • Thy RainThy Rain Core Member
    99 karma

    For LR, try doing timed individual questions. Maybe open up an LR section, make it untimed. But with your phone, use a timer giving yourself about 1:20.

    Then start your timer and read/answer question 1, and once your time runs out move on to the next question. If you are unsure of your understanding or answer choice, flag the question.

    Repeat this same process until you get through all the questions!

    You need to be able to distinguish the QT and know how to solve for it quickly, read the stimulus with good understanding, and answer the question to the best of your ability.

    This drill helps you test your confidence and your skills under timed conditions. You need the experience of working under timing conditions.

    Also, keep in mind that you don't need to answer every question on the LSAT. Skip questions and if you can't bring yourself upto speed with finishing all 4 LG games, 26 LR questions, and 4 RC passages in 35 minutes, maybe focus on finishing 20 LR, 3 LG passages, and 3 RC passages.

    With high accuracy, you could get:

    PT89 as an example:
    LR: -5 (If you get all 20 LR questions correct + using C as your guess AC)
    LG:-5 (If you get all 3 LG games correct + using C as your guess AC for game 4)
    RC: -4 (If you get all 3 RC passages correct + using C as your guess AC for passage 4)

    According to LSAT Flex Calculator: 166

    Again, If aren't able to get yourself to finishing all questions on the LSAT, this is one approach you can take.

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    confidence/ 10 in 10 drills for LR really helped me speed up and get a rhythm going.

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