I was pting anywhere from 165-172 until about 2 weeks ago. Since then I’ve ptd three times (about to take my 4th) and continuously scored in the low 170s with my best score being 173 on PT 74 (LR -2 LG -0 RC -4). I’m so happy!! Hoping I do well on the Jan flex.
I'm in the same boat as you! I'm ranging 167-172 and frustrated that I'm not breaking 170 consantly. How did you do it?
@asdf12345 Congrats! That is great. It is a hard plateau to break.
@eyesomehyez77 For me I don’t get any LG wrong and even if I’m given a bad LG section, it’s usually -2 max. So if your LG is what’s bringing you down, definitely work on that first.
For LR, I try to search for the missing assumptions in every question. Sometimes it just pops out but for harder qs I actually have to work to find it.
For RC, Manhattan Prep’s RC book really helped me to read more actively and spot common wrong AC types.
The most important, though, is getting enough sleep and rest. Don’t stress too much and just be confident.
@VerdantZephyr thank you!! I’m so happy
yaas! good luck in january!
yes I think you need to consistently go at least -2 LG to break into 170s consistently.
sleep and swimming/cardio really help me ace LR and RC, albeit they closed all the damn gyms everywhere.