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Finally, my improvement has arrived

beemomo8beemomo8 Alum Member
edited May 2014 in General 82 karma
Hi 7sage community,
I just want to share a little story that might help some of you who are in a similar situation as I am.
Never have been a smart kid in my life and I was mainly fascinated with lines and colors so I assumed I would grow up to be an artist. After graduating, I did become an artist and I was fairly content with my occupation.
But somewhere along the line, I found myself taking more pleasure in drafting contracts and negotiating with my clients. After much thoughts and research, I decided to enter law school to specialize in design copyrights. But before I could set my feet in the school, I needed to take this freaky monster called the LSATs. This test was like encountering an extraterrestrial deformed monster from Dead Space. Each question attacked me with its ugly testicles and claws. Not fun at all.

But I sticked through to no avail.

I knew how to attack them, theoretically, but when I was out in the field, my hands trembled and quickly they ripped me apart with their slimy trickeries.

Main problems for me were that I could not stop stressing about the test and the meaning of the score I would eventually receive. But then I realized that this was just a test and I could not allow this test to dictate my own self worth as a person. After this conviction, I solved through PTs with clam hearts, without stressing myself.

And lo! I was in control. I sliced through the trickeries and punched each question with efficiency and I ended up getting 1 question wrong for LR, which is my weakest section.

So the moral of the story would be this; don't stress out and solve the questions without the fear of receiving low scores and know that there is no causal relationship between the score and your intelligence.


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