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Question for those sitting on Tuesday for the Jan-Flex?

emmorensemmorens Core Member
edited January 2021 in January 2021 LSAT 1470 karma

Hey all!

I will be taking the flex on Tuesday at 11:30 AM.

I took my last PT today (May 2020) and could feel myself very fatigued of just reading LSAT material by section 3 - so I decided to do the last section untimed to take pressure off of myself incase I underperformed (didn't want any psychological stress of score fluctuations before my test lol).

For those who are also writing Tuesday: I was wondering what you are doing today/what you will be doing tomorrow?

I'm not sure if I should do any timed sections tomorrow? The other option was just doing some drills of questions I need practice with for LR.

For RC I was planning on finding a couple dense passages and practicing reading through them/identifying the MP, tone and structure to myself (not answering any questions).

For LG, I was planning on practicing setting up some difficult games and making inferences upfront (again not answering any of the questions (just practicing being able to set things up properly and efficiently).

Would love to know what everyone else is doing today, tomorrow, and what you will do the morning before your exam?

PS: I know a lot of people thought May 2020 was an easier exam - I ended up scoring fine (thank god) - but I thought RC was rather difficult while taking it...thoughts? Maybe it was my nerves kicking in a little, but the second passage was a WTF moment for me for sure.

Sorry if there are any typos, I'm really tired today for some reason lol and didn't read anything over just now! Feel free to message me if you want to talk about your plan of attack before we sit on Tuesday! :)


  • carolyn.fcarolyn.f Member
    56 karma

    I relate to a lot of what you said - I made the call last week to stop drilling LR and RC because my scores don't fluctuate there at all and I could tell I was rapidly approaching burnout. My plan was to do a full LG set tonight and one tomorrow, but I like your idea about just setting games up and practicing inferences - might switch tomorrow to that.

    More than anything just focusing on getting enough sleep tonight and tomorrow!

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    @"carolyn.f" I'm glad I'm not alone! I was feeling a little guilty today - after my test I took my dog for a walk, went to the grocery store, felt like I was wasting precious time... however I do feel like it's important to not kill myself before the exam.

    I am planning on doing exactly what I said with LG & RC, I may actually practice the same thing with LR. Ie: reading weakening/strengthening questions and practicing identifying the gap in the argument. I am not great at that upfront so I think it may help me with my confidence before test day! Other than these drills, I am going to review my Flex Test that I took today and that's all. :)

    Good luck to your on Tuesday, feel free to message me if you have anything on your mind before the test!

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    im going to continue to go through logic games to stay sharp (i have a list of really tough ones i want to try), since i need to practice those constantly to be on my game. i'll also do some logical reasoning 10 in 10 drills. i'll do my logic games and LR drills the day of my test too, just to warm up.

    i have a wrong answer journal so i think i'll also study that. as for RC, i actually don't really study passages. i think i will read some science or economics magazine articles. those are my two worst subjects for RC.

  • whatsmynamewhatsmyname Member
    606 karma

    @kilgoretrout said:
    im going to continue to go through logic games to stay sharp (i have a list of really tough ones i want to try), since i need to practice those constantly to be on my game. i'll also do some logical reasoning 10 in 10 drills. i'll do my logic games and LR drills the day of my test too, just to warm up.

    i have a wrong answer journal so i think i'll also study that. as for RC, i actually don't really study passages. i think i will read some science or economics magazine articles. those are my two worst subjects for RC.

    same, except i will read a couple of passages tomorrow night just to stay primed. I'm not letting off.

    there's so much I want to review but can't really fit it all together.

  • mmlegal1mmlegal1 Member
    22 karma

    86 G4, 88 G4, 89 G4. Only making inferences and going thru the routine. Prob do a RC passage. The day of, probably do 4 easy LR and one easy game to build confidence and get the brain working.

  • TheMommaBearTheMommaBear Member
    348 karma

    Wishing everyone luck! I started studying at the end of Nov, took my first diagnostic early Dec. Elementary schools closed down Dec 18 due to a lockdown so I've had two kids at home requiring my help with school. Needless to say, I don't have high expectations for my test on Tuesday, but I can't wait to have it over and done with.

    Think of my test as a gift to you all, since my crap mark will contribute toward an easier curve. Haha. Setting my sights on June since I need at least a 163 to get into the only school I'm applying to.

  • @kilgoretrout said:
    im going to continue to go through logic games to stay sharp (i have a list of really tough ones i want to try), since i need to practice those constantly to be on my game. i'll also do some logical reasoning 10 in 10 drills. i'll do my logic games and LR drills the day of my test too, just to warm up.

    i have a wrong answer journal so i think i'll also study that. as for RC, i actually don't really study passages. i think i will read some science or economics magazine articles. those are my two worst subjects for RC.

    Do you have a list of the really tough logic games you're going to try? I'm trying to stay sharp on these but not sure what ones to do! Thank you :)

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    @whatsmyname said:

    same, except i will read a couple of passages tomorrow night just to stay primed. I'm not letting off.

    there's so much I want to review but can't really fit it all together.

    That sounds like a good plan. And yeah, I’d love to have another week of studying, but I feel like this is just one of those experiences that I’ll never feel fully “ready” for. Just have to jump in.

  • ansleyrathansleyrath Core Member
    21 karma

    Going back through a couple logic game sets I have had trouble with in the past to ensure they are second nature. Testing my technology. Taking another practice test I've taken 15, just to make sure the format feels comfortable so that nerves are less likey to get to me tomorrow.I want my LSAT to feel as much like practice as possible. If you've been studying, you should feel decently comfortable about where you are at. at this point. It's too late to do too much that will really make a huge score difference.

  • whatsmynamewhatsmyname Member
    606 karma
  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    Writing in 10 mins, will let you know after!

  • leahgolbuffleahgolbuff Core Member
    3 karma

    I dont know if its my nerves or what but ive been scoring around a 155-158 and I just feel like I got my butt kicked by this test

  • whatsmynamewhatsmyname Member
    606 karma

    @leahgolbuff said:
    I dont know if its my nerves or what but ive been scoring around a 155-158 and I just feel like I got my butt kicked by this test

    Nerves - got the best of me too.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    @leahgolbuff we have been scoring in the same range! I had just hit my first 160 this passed weekend and my nerves killed any of those chances lol. Youre not alone!

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