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Concerned about my LSAT retake score not being sent to schools? (Ontario)

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could offer me some reassurance on this as I want to avoid reaching out to the schools I applied to about my application unnecessarily.
I submitted by application by the November deadline, and wrote the November LSAT later that month. After that LSAT, I changed my information about my most recent LSAT being the November LSAT as I registered for the January LSAT. I then took the January LSAT, and had to retake it due to technical errors.
My concern is that my November score is being associated with my application opposed to my January score, as the November score is showing up on OUAC but not the January score.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!


  • LegallyBrunettteLegallyBrunettte Core Member
    74 karma


    The January 2021 LSAT score does not update on OLSAS right away. I wrote both Nov and Jan like you and my January score is not updated yet either.

    I don't remember the specific timeline but with the November score I remember it was a couple days or maybe even a week before it was uploaded to OLSAS.

    I don't think you have anything to worry about, the schools won't review your application until all your lsats are completed.

  • RosenvibesRosenvibes Member
    64 karma

    Same boat here. My January score didint register yet on OLSAS . Good luck to you!

  • RosenvibesRosenvibes Member
    64 karma

    When do you think the Ontario schools will review and respond to our applications?

  • LegallyBrunettteLegallyBrunettte Core Member
    74 karma

    @Rosenvibes said:
    When do you think the Ontario schools will review and respond to our applications?

    It depends on the school. I think the first wave starts in March. I know people who have been accepted to Queens and Ryerson in June/July/August

  • kaatrianakaatriana Member
    61 karma

    @Rosenvibes @olivev26 is right, it differs for every school. Western for example says to contact them if you haven't heard back by June.

  • RosenvibesRosenvibes Member
    64 karma

    Cool. Thanks for the responses. Seems like a long time from now..
    It would be awesome if 7sage had an Ontario Forum.

    Good luck.

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