So, it's June 8th and I'm ready to take my exam. The school location changed at the last minute and I seem to be in an industrial building. As confused as I am as to why the location was changed, I'm still just trying to stay focused and remind myself of the different strategies I intend to use to attack the LSAT. I walk into the room and it's different than any other classroom I've experienced. There are no windows, the walls seem to be made out of dark metal sheets, and the lighting is very dull. Our seats are arranged in a square like fashion. If I look in front of me I can see someone directly facing me and there are people immediately to my right and my left. I'm worried because this just feels unnatural and depressing. As I look up I see the proctor walking in, and it's the TA from "Writing I" during my freshman year of college. This confuses me. He was also heavy smoker, and I am reminded of this as he proceeds to fill the room with a dull smog of cigarette smoke. Suddenly J.Y.'s voice pops into my head, he says "you can do this, remember all of your training, and the countless hours you watched videos of Jon and I explaining simple answers you got wrong." The proctor administers the test and shortly after I begin.
I open to the first section and it's LR. "This is awesome", I think to myself. "LR and LG are the sections where I've produced the best results and intellectual advancement, just like J.Y. said I would." However, by the time I get to
#14 time has been called and I've missed answering half the questions. I'm going crazy. I think to myself "Is this the experimental? Should I cancel my score? Should I continue?" The next section is LG, attempting to shrug off the crappy feeling the previous section bestowed upon me, I move forward. Time is called again, and once again I only finished halfway though. This makes no sense to me. My 180 watch has 15 minutes left on it. Somehow everyone else in the room comfortably finishes except for me? "Is this a joke?" I think to myself. At this point, I go through all of the mathematical possibilities for me to at least hit a 155 (assuming one of the sections was experimental.) I eventually move on to the third section and it's RC. This is my worst section, yet I finished it on time with 5 minutes left to spare. It's weird, he didn't call time early and I finished RC early?? "I must be dreaming" I thought to myself. It's time for our break, but, it's 45 minutes long. "This must be why he cut the first two sections so short, he wanted to add 30 minutes to the break so he could smoke half a pack."
During my break I go home and contemplate suicide. The stress is eating at me horribly, thoughts of 1L at a crappy school are haunting me, and I feel like all I've studied/worked for was for nothing. I started to cry and feel ashamed to look into my family's eyes, my girlfriend's eyes, and all I could think of was being an outlier of the 7Sage curriculum. 7Sage has produced so many high scoring awesome individuals, but I couldn't live up to that standard. I get ready to go back to my testing location and try to at least finish the exam with some dignity.
As soon as I get there the test had already started. I WAS 15 MINUTES LATE! well, I really wasn't, but the proctor decided to cut the break by 15 minutes. I rush to my exam and it's another RC section. I only answered 10 question before time was called, and it was horrible. I felt tense, I felt everyone's glaring eyes staring into my soul through the smog, and I started to laugh hysterically. I looked at my test booklet, and it was infinite. I was stuck in a room with an LSAT test that never ended. As I was laughing J.Y. appears and clears the smog away. I then looked at my test booklet and it was brand new with 5 sections. As I look up I noticed I was in a new testing room. J.Y. is the proctor and everyone's usernames I could remember from 7Sage hovered over blank faces. I started my exam and as soon as I turned to the first page I woke up.
But in all seriousness, don't let LSAT stress creep its way into your subconscious. I wrote the test once before starting 7Sage and in case this is your first time writing, I think I'm stating the obvious when I say it's nothing like your dream lol. When I wrote it the first time, I did stress, but I never should have. I used to look at it like: this is a 4-5 hour test OMG how intense! But now I look at like: it's an 1:45, break, then an 1:45, and plus the last section is writing sample. So changing the way you look at it even in terms of just the timing of it really helps in relieving that stress. It's not some otherworldly test.
Basically, (and this is the competitive athlete in me speaking) respect the LSAT, but don't respect it too much. Respect it enough to work for it, but when it comes game time, you know you have confidence in your abilities and you will beat it. And lastly, have FUN with it. Picture yourself after the test thinking: "I really handed it to that test I can't wait to see how WELL I did." Okay rant over lol good luck on June 8!
Just last night I kept dreaming of doing Logic Games and then making inferences, believe it or not I think it actually helped me.
@bSM45LSAT Yeah I've had nights similar to yours where I figure out inferences through dreams. It helped me with In/Out games, something I was never really able to grasp until I had that dream!
@blah170blah Yeah I've noticed I'm not the only one experiencing these dreams, it makes me feel a little less lonely in all of this, haha!
@alejoroarios Yeah I am. There isn't a second that goes by where I'm not think about the LSAT. Almost every other thing in my life seems insignificant (minus my personal relationship with my girlfriend.) I expect more of these types of dreams in the future in all honesty
(At least you didn't get Dream Panda in your dream...)