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(lsat after april) dates are announced! and the changes!


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    edited February 2021 8491 karma

    Good looking out.

    Looks like June is going to be a target test for a lot of people.

    Interested in what this means for test disclosure and new PTs.

    Four-Section Format

    Starting in August 2021, the LSAT will continue to have three scored sections — logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, and reading comprehension — and we will return to our pre-COVID practice of including a fourth, unscored variable section that will allow us to validate new test questions for future use and ensure that they are free from any form of bias. With the addition of this fourth, unscored section, the LSAT will include a short break between the second and third sections, starting in August.

    Will there be a break in the new four-section LSAT you are delivering starting in August 2021?

    Yes. With the addition of a fourth, unscored section, we plan to include a short break between the second and third sections of the new LSAT starting August 2021, similar to the break mid-way through the traditional in-person LSAT that was used before the COVID-19 emergency. Test takers who leave their seats will need to complete a new security check before resuming their test.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    Does this mean the June 2021 LSAT will still have 3 sections?

  • edited February 2021 1952 karma

    @emmorens yep. june is the last test date for the 3-section test. starting august, they're adding in the experimental (4th) section.

  • emkjohnson3emkjohnson3 Core Member
    11 karma

    Yeah on the LSAC website it states that the June exam will be the last administration of the 3-section "flex"! After that it will have the 4th/experimental section!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Thank you for posting @"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING"

  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    616 karma

    Really curious if anyone has a strong preference for the 3 or 4 section LSAT?

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    I'm glad they're finally admitting that it's possible to proctor a break in a remote test lol

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    @yunonsie I was just contemplating the same thing! My break down of pros and cons...

    4 section = only requiring back-to-back stamina of 2 sections (1+2 / break / 3+4). Though it is a longer exam day in total.

    3 sections = shorter test total, but requiring enough stamina to get through all 3 back-to-back.

    I think the experimental is a person-to-person preference? On one end, not knowing which one is experimental can heighten anxiety, but on the flip side if you know you performed poorly on a section and it appears twice, you have an opportunity to remind yourself of the 50/50 shot that it was experimental.

    Feel free to weigh in, would love to hear everyone else's thoughts!

  • HereisBKGHereisBKG Member
    50 karma

    Can the experimental section be any of logical reasoning, reading comp, logic games?

  • Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
    957 karma

    Looks like that second section of scored LR is dead. Rats. :')

  • edited February 2021 1952 karma

    @HereisBKG yes, you'll get any one of those three.
    @yunonsie i think it'll depend on the person. i think @emmorens brought up some good points.
    @"Burt Reynolds" yeah.. lsac says that this will be the format for a minimum of 2-3 years
    @noonawoon yeah.. now i'm wondering why they didn't decide to bring the 2 lrs back.
    one of the reasons for the 3-section test (people's speculation) has been the difficulty in monitoring breaks
    @canihazJD agreed. i don't see the info about test disclosure/new pts yet

  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    edited February 2021 616 karma

    @"Burt Reynolds" noooo, I didn't mind the second LR haha

  • laura_lololaura_lolo Live Member
    161 karma

    What about the July LSAT? or does that mean no July LSAT?

  • 1952 karma

    @laura_lolo no july test for 2021..

  • bunnyfriend7bunnyfriend7 Member
    191 karma

    Do you think the April or June flex test will be more competitive?

  • edited February 2021 1952 karma

    @bunnyfriend7 more competitive, as in, the number of students who will be signing up for them?

    maybe.. i'd expect that some people would rather want to take the 3-section test so they'd want to sign up for the last flex exams..
    on the other hand, people who will be taking the april/june tests are likely going to be people applying in the next cycle, so they might be more incentivized to take a later test (i.e., august and after) after studying a little bit more.

  • love2learnlove2learn Free Trial Member
    252 karma

    now all the redbullers have a chance for a bathroom break!

  • yang9999yang9999 Core Member
    edited February 2021 419 karma

    @yunonsie said:
    @"Burt Reynolds" noooo, I didn't mind the second LR haha

    lol I hated the second LR section and usually ran out of steam by then (I hate LR the most though lol)

  • saraching15saraching15 Member
    3 karma

    so does this mean the fourth section will always be the experimental section? Or that we don't know which LR section will be the experimental one?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @saraching15 said:
    so does this mean the fourth section will always be the experimental section? Or that we don't know which LR section will be the experimental one?

    Historically the experimental were randomly inserted, so likely not. Also it won't be limited to LR.

  • Late SummerLate Summer Live Member
    128 karma

    Am I the only one doubting whether the August LSAT is gonna return to normal? I'm just concerned about traveling to a test center not having been vaccinated yet... Wish that COVID will be over by then though!

  • 1952 karma

    you don't need to worry about that. lsat will stay online at least through june 2022. there may be an "option" to test in-person, but it'll be an "option."

    Similar to the LSAT-Flex, we will provide the LSAT in an online, live remote-proctored format through June 2022. (Depending on how the COVID-19 situation evolves, we may also provide an option to take the LSAT at test centers.)

  • Late SummerLate Summer Live Member
    128 karma

    @"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING" Oh I see! Thank you! :smile:

  • fullstopfullstop Member
    169 karma

    I took the announcement to mean that for the 4section LSATs, we can no longer take it for granted that the variable part will be LR. Wonder if 7sage will incorporate the break in the PTs going forward.

  • Future Esq 888Future Esq 888 Core Member
    21 karma

    hi guys im confused after june.. example the august test and so on will only have 4 sections not 5 like it used to have before covid. Someone please clarify?


    thank you

  • 1952 karma

    @"Future Esq 888" said:
    hi guys im confused after june.. example the august test and so on will only have 4 sections not 5 like it used to have before covid. Someone please clarify?


    thank you

    yes, only 4.
    three scored sections — logical reasoning, logic games, and reading comprehension
    one unscored experimental section that can be any of lr, lg, rc.

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