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I am moving on from the LSAT. I sat for the November exam and just recently sat for the January exam to increase my score, but it doesn’t matter what I get; I have to move on from this test.
I’ve gotten into three schools so far, but I applied to a fair amount, so there are still decisions to be made. However, by the time the dust settles, my account here will be permanently expired. My only desire is that I pick the school that is the right fit for me: T14 or not.
Throughout this journey, I had to continually remind myself that I’m going to law school to provide a helping hand by attempting to bring us all toward human wholeness and into the light of understanding. Keeping that at my core, It doesn’t matter what school I attend or what law I may or may not practice; meeting the human need is the reasoning behind this pursuit.
So, to those who will read this, I wish you profound success and clarity on your journey. Everything positive that can happen will, just not always how we expect it. Nevertheless, you will get into law school.
Stay kind, stay hopeful, and stay determined.
Thank you, 7Sage — I’ll see you all on the other side.
Thank you for this message! I'm sitting here behind on my LSAT studies and about to do a little work before bed. It's nice reading your message, and I wish you the best in the future wherever you end up!
Beautiful read. So powerful. Especially to me, right now, when I'm wondering if all this study will be worth it, whether more improvement is possible with the time I have left, and still thinking that getting into the right law school for me is what will count, then decisions can be made from there. What I will practice, that's not even a thought for me right now. I just want to have the knowledge to do good for those who can't do it for themselves. Thank you for posting. Best of luck and light on your journey!
I resonate with this deeply as I have taken the LSAT mutiple times and have a vision to create a corporation based on extending the life expectancy for humans. I was very hard on myself in trying to get into a good school but I have come to the conclusion that the school I go to and the score I receive is miniscule compared to the things that are to come in my future. I am very appreciative of the process of stagnating in between my scores and seeing little progress along the process as it taught me that the negative conntation failure has in the society we live in is completely false. Instead it has taught me to embrace failing as it means your pushing yourself to the absolute limit. Its been a beatiful time going through this journey as I am one step away from completing my next metamorphsis. I wish everybody on this chat the best of luck in their future endeavors and hope to work together to unite our society.
Thank you so much for your words! You are going to be an excellent lawyer, Aristotle!
Good luck out there
Aristotle, I wish you the best of luck on your journey. You'll be an amazing lawyer!
Great perspective @"Aristotle Jones" I wish you the best!
Very well said, Aristotle. Best of luck to you
Wow, this is great, very well written!!! Good luck on your new endeavors. To everyone reading this, Best of luck, you got this!
This post meant so much to me!!! Thank you, best luck to you!!!!
Tomorrow, 2/22/2021 is when my account here will expire. If you find yourself reading this while you are on your LSAT journey, I hate to spoil the ending for you, but it all works out; you will get into law school. Please, do not let this test eat you alive. What should be, will be, and when it is our time, it is our time, and your time is coming. You are going to be okay.
This is a great post. Thank you and good luck in law school!
It was a pleasure working with you
glad you have great outcomes. You were an incredible student