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Breaking mid-160s plateau

kaleincalikaleincali Core Member

Need to break through my mid-160s plateau in order to get at least a 170 on the April LSAT! I've been scoring -3 on LG and LR on almost every test (sometimes less on LG) but for some reason getting a range from -1 to -8 on RC. Any advice? I really don't want to have to retake in July :( My BR's are around 169-171. I know they should be higher, but if I could just get them to match my overall test score I'd be fine and never think about the LSAT again!


  • cwrussell42cwrussell42 Member
    17 karma

    How are you doing on time with the RC section? A -8 to me means you're probably spending too little time on the passage and too much time answering the questions, and usually that means you don't have much time left at the end to review. The questions should go quite fast if you really understand the passage. If you have to spend more time on a question or you're really undecided between a couple answers, reread the passage. It is far more time effective to carefully read the passage than to constantly have to go back to it because the question confuses you. Most RC answers are obviously wrong at the barest glance so long as you understand what the passage is saying.

  • kaleincalikaleincali Core Member
    54 karma

    @cwrussell42 You are so right about this. I did an RC passage this morning of level 5 difficulty and really took my time to understand the passage; I added internal dialogue after each paragraph and did a quick once-over with the low resolution trick (although mine may have been medium resolution lol) and then I only got one question wrong at the end. It's always hard to take things like this to heart during a PT, but practice makes perfect!

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