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BR'ing RC

I am looking for ways to better BR RC. Typically when I BR RC I try to write a low-res summary for each paragraph, then construct a MP and tone/attitude of the author for each passage. Sometimes I go through the passage and highlight authors ideas versus ideas of others. RC is by far my worst section on the LSAT. I have ranged from -8 to a disastrous -14 on my last PT. When I BR, I usually go -2 or 3. My main issue when BRing RC is that I lose interest in the passage, and its super frustrating spending 45 minutes to an hour on one passage when BRing.

I am wondering if anyone has any tips for more efficiently BRing RC? As I mentioned, RC is my weakest section, and any tips on how to improve on BR or timed passages would be greatly appreciated.


  • teechj117teechj117 Alum Member
    edited February 2021 296 karma

    One thing that's helped me, and I've read this from others who had time sinks in RC, is reading something on the subject outside of the test. Science is the worst. Even if I underline certain words or do a low res, I had trouble making it stick. I felt lost or unable to relate. With the BR, it's dreadful, because I know it's something I could spend all day just trying to understand.

    That being said, I feel like it is less about the content and more about structure. Yeah it helps with staying engaged on the subject, but these passages are written terribly on purpose. If you're reading nicely edited articles that make sense, I feel like it gives you a better frame of reference, thus, helping you with the critical stage of BR.

  • Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
    957 karma


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