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Is it necessary to go through every item on the syllabus?

rawberryrawberry Alum Member
in General 16 karma

So I've been studying since January with a goal to take the test by October but I've been finding it difficult to study for more than 1-2 hours a day and have fallen behind on the core curriculum and have had to readjust my study schedule several times. Initially, I should've been done with the core curriculum by February but now I won't be done until April and may possibly have to keep pushing it even further because I just can't hit the 26 hours/week goal. Is it crucial to go through every item on the syllabus or can I skip a couple example problems and problem sets here and there? I just don't want to be stuck in the core curriculum for too long and waste precious time I could be spending taking practice tests.


  • TimeIsMoneyTimeIsMoney Member
    495 karma

    I didn't even come close to completing the core curriculum. If you have time, i would recommend it, but i think you'll figure out your strengths and weaknesses fairly soon.

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    I'm really just using the CC for some extra LG help, and review for LR. I have two kids that I homeschool and have to balance the needs of everyone so it's just not feasible to spend hours a day on here lol

  • 32 karma

    I've been having the same issue. I've been studying since the beginning February, planned to study 20 hours of the CC per week until late April and then drill/take PTs until the June LSAT, but it's just not feasible. I'm taking a PT on Sunday to see where I stand and then I'll use the CC to focus on my weaker subjects.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    edited February 2021 473 karma

    My goal is to go through all of the core curriculum. I have a lengthy timeline though. I have been hearing, a lot lately, that there is no rush to apply to law school with a lower LSAT score than you're capable of. When its all said and done, I would have studied at least 7-8 months. Maybe more, who knows? I can dedicate 2-3 hours of studying per day. In the end, everyone has to choose for themselves what score they find capable for them and the time that they can out into preparing for the test.

    Oh and I realized just today that the CC includes a ton of prep tests and the time that it is recommended to blind review them and see why your answers are right or wrong. So everyone will have different timeframes that they will prep test. Do what you feel is best for you according to what you know and are ready to be tested on.

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