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Test-Day Advice?? I consistently score better on the 2nd LR section

So I'm preparing for the April flex but I've been taking full (4 section) PTs as I study and I've noticed that on my past 4 PTs I've consistently scored better on the 2nd LR section, sometimes significantly better.

These recent PTs were all in the 80s and I've pretty much hit -1 on the 2nd LR every time. I know I won't have a 2nd LR on the flex so idk if I should take an LR section (or half of one?) the morning before my test or something... Anyone else the same/anyone have any advice?


  • 118 karma

    Yeah I'd definitely take a practice LR section before the test. It sounds like you're in the zone by the time you hit the 2nd LR section, so doing a practice section before the test would put you in that state from the beginning.

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