Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). does skype work well? anyone in PCB FL - 7Sage Forum

does skype work well? anyone in PCB FL

v-1v-1 Free Trial Member
edited December 2013 in February 2014 LSAT 25 karma
I don't think skype is the answer, but I have heard that taking a weekly [or so] full LSAT in a group is key. Maybe I will pretend everyone in the library is doing a preptest, cause even though this is worldwide, it makes some city & states so remote like PCB FL. The college message board, if there is such a thing, might help. Ha.


  • cloy26260cloy26260 Alum Member
    46 karma
    I don't see how having people around you PTing would make any difference? You make your gains by doing full length tests and by reviewing, not by having a bunch of people around you PTing. Reviewing in a group helps.
  • v-1v-1 Free Trial Member
    edited December 2013 25 karma
    Understandable! reviewing in the group you took a simulated timed test with is the most valuable, but the simulation may have value for some. I like your logo, that type of discipline also goes for PTing.
  • cloy26260cloy26260 Alum Member
    46 karma
    Hah! Thanks. I wish I could carry it over to drilling/PTing. :P I actually wrote my personal statement on triathlon and I can say that LSAT (and law school) goes hand in hand w/ triathlon.
  • KeishaKeisha Free Trial Member
    6 karma
    Hey V, check out 7sage's proctor app, it simulates test noises ( ie. pencils scratching on paper, people coughing/sneezing etc). What I would do is go to the "quite room" at my test centre's library and PT with headphones on. It was the most realistic to the actual test day.
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