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Hello! I am currently actively studying for the LSAT, prepping for August test. I’ve heard having study buddies can be extremely helpful for LSAT motivation, question reviews, and just performing better overall, so would love to find some likeminded people to add to a study group. Let me know if you are interested (thinking ~10 people is a good number), and I’ll start a GroupMe!
I'm interested!
Hello! I am prepping for the August exam as well! Def interested in a study group.
hiya! i'm interested as well!
hello im interested!
Im interested too
I'm also interested!
I am interested! I sent you a PM
Hi I'm interested too!
Interested! Took October 2020 and decided to do a gap year and retake.
I'm interested too!
I'm interested as well!
Hi everyone thanks for the interest, excited to get a study group going where we can all motivate/help one another achieve that 170 range score. Here is the link to request to join the August 2021 LSAT study group @sf_1995 @sierra_km24 @sainamad @bryahrichson @melodiversity @paul.bosin84 @tryingmybest-1 @"Basma Humadi" @SVICTORIA @rbhoj99
Please continue commenting/requesting to join the group after this post
I am interested. I was hoping to test in June but thinking of switching it for August.
I am interested too! Currently signed up for the June, but leaning towards August
I am also interested
I'm interested!
Hi! I am interested as well, thanks! @180energyonly
This is perfect -- just requested!!
interested too
Requested! Thank you
Request to join if there is space!
I requested to join but it still says pending...not sure if it was received?
Just sent my request to join!
signed up for June but will use August as a backup if necessary!