Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Central time: looking for BR study buddies on Saturday morning/afternoons scoring 165+ - 7Sage Forum

Central time: looking for BR study buddies on Saturday morning/afternoons scoring 165+

edited April 2021 in Study Groups 540 karma

Hi guys,

I'm looking to host a BR session through Zoom every Saturday morning and ending whenever it needs to. My last practice PTs have been between 164 - 167 and I am hoping to score a 172+ June/August this year.

We would take the practice PTs fully timed once a week and come into the Saturday call for BR without having done any prior review, focusing almost entirely on LR and RC. From PT 55 - 90, I plan to take PTs in sequences of 5 (55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 and then back to 56, 61, 66, 71, 76, 81, 86 and etc...).

I am hoping to study with people who are currently at a similar or higher level than me. Please let me know if you are interested.


  • Melissa4202Melissa4202 Member
    19 karma

    What does the acronym "BR: stand for?

  • 540 karma

    @Melissa4202 said:
    What does the acronym "BR: stand for?

    Blind review.

  • OfStephieOfStephie Alum Member
    48 karma

    Hey FAtC. I am interested in joining. My last 4 PTs (67-70) are in the lower 160s, so a little under yours. If you think it'll be helpful to us both I can be there for BR of the two sections. How do you think it'll "work"? Thanks, Rich R

  • OfStephieOfStephie Alum Member
    48 karma

    BTW feel free to call anytime at 617-304-1786

  • 540 karma

    @OfStephie said:
    Hey FAtC. I am interested in joining. My last 4 PTs (67-70) are in the lower 160s, so a little under yours. If you think it'll be helpful to us both I can be there for BR of the two sections. How do you think it'll "work"? Thanks, Rich R

    @OfStephie , that sounds great. So we will individually take the PT fully timed. Don't blind review it or look at the right answers. Come to Saturday with the questions that you flagged for BR. LR and RC only so that we can finish in one day. We will all look at the flagged questions, discuss them together to choose an answer as blind review. Then move on and repeat. Finish the BR process and check answers to see if we were right or wrong.

    I think the really important things are to open the floor to argue/counter-argue for the answers in flagged questions, analyze and critique each other on how to improve, and establish a solid work environment where we can all support each other.

  • mannemckkmannemckk Core Member
    76 karma

    @"Forever Addicted to Coffee" , I am interested! My scores are currently ranging from 163-168, and hoping to get a bit more consistent in the upper 160s/low 170s by June. Essentially studying for this full time, so Central Time works for me.

  • OfStephieOfStephie Alum Member
    48 karma

    sounds great. Seriously though, come clean, how many cups so far today? Myself, I just began at number 10 of holy shit my heart's gonna pop!

  • natasha.bazilnatasha.bazil Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    Hello I’m new to studying lsat and I want some tips and strategies. I want to study and do the practice test with a study group. My number is 7135706423 any help will do.

  • Melissa4202Melissa4202 Member
    19 karma

    @"Forever Addicted to Coffee" said:

    @Melissa4202 said:
    What does the acronym "BR: stand for?

    Blind review.


  • edited April 2021 71 karma

    I'm interested. I'm currently testing at a similar level to you both. I consider RC my strongest section. I'm also in central time. I need study buddies because it's difficult to hold myself accountable to not looking at my score right after I take the practice test! Please direct message if interested and we can exchange info or start a group chat.

  • UCLApleaseUCLAplease Member
    281 karma

    I'm PTing around the same scores as you. I would love to do this, esp. for LR.

  • mhanson1991mhanson1991 Member
    42 karma

    I’m 169-174 range right now.
    I’m PST, so not too early Saturday morning, but otherwise I’m in!

  • OfStephieOfStephie Alum Member
    48 karma

    still on for today? any ideas on time?

  • catbellycatbelly Core Member
    229 karma

    Is it too late to join? I'm ranging around the same, and I am CT as well. Let me know when the next session is!

  • leeorv44leeorv44 Member
    19 karma

    I'd love to join as well if possible! I've been ranging anywhere between 163-169 with the same goal in reaching 172+ and mastering RC/LR

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