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Applications taking forever...

RondaBCANRondaBCAN Member
edited April 2021 in Law School Admissions 70 karma

Hello all, I applied for about 10 schools back in January and beginning of February as I was thinking I needed to get on it. I only applied to schools where I was at their median LSAT or better. My GPA is over the 75th. I am in Canada, so not sure if that makes a difference. I have only received 3 acceptances so far, and 1 rejection from a school that I was WAY over there medians (it was my 1st choice school so pretty disappointed) anyone else waiting for months without hearing back from the law schools they applied to? I have checked with a few schools and they replied back that they are still reviewing applications....but wondering if this experience is unique to me, or are others waiting 8+ weeks to hear back.

And...has anyone had any luck on appealing and renegotiating scholarships this year?


  • renkobayrenkobay Core Member
    26 karma

    Same! still waiting on a decisions for half my schools. I got waitlisted to my #1 which was a REACH (below on GPA and LSAT) but the Notre Dame stuff has me stressed. Now I'm terrified of this cycle and waitlists.

  • RondaBCANRondaBCAN Member
    70 karma

    Are you living in the US? are you an international student like myself? Wondering, if it makes a difference this year with the number of applicants increasing so much...

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Unfortunately the norm this cycle. Note to people gearing up for the upcoming cycle: apply broadly. It'll likely still be competitive, with less money to go around, and medians will be up. You'll want options.

  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    611 karma

    @canihazJD thanks for the heads up! Can I ask how you’re keeping track of the next application cycle? Esp re: scholarships

  • ryanrigerryanriger Member
    23 karma

    I wouldn't feel disappointed about that one rejection you got. Some schools reject people who are over-qualified because they think those applicants won't even attend if they get accepted.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @yunonsie obviously no way to tell for sure.

    Re: competitiveness, we're already seeing lots of perceived underperformance, even a lot of seemingly competitive applicants with no acceptances, so I think its safe to assume more R&Rs. I think its also safe to assume overall economic effects will not have completely abated, so more applicants... not as much as this year, but more than last year. I do not think we will see the number of deferrals we did last year, so more people who were admitted actually matriculating. Also online LSATs are here for at least a while, and really if they can pull off the experimental section, there's not much reason for them to go back to a 5 section test or in person administrations. Whether they do or not who knows, but for the time being, I doubt just adding a 4th section will do much to bring scores down to what they used to be, overriding all other factors such as state dependent performance, more time to study, less stress associated with testing centers, able to pick time/day, etc., also LSAC has been basically approving any documented accommodation request.

    Re: scholarships, I'm relying on Mike Spivey's predictions, which were basically (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the economic effects of covid/recession will be delayed a year for schools, these making them less likely to give scholarships and more selective when they do. I don't know how exactly that works as with the stock market going as it has, I wouldn't think endowments are being hit hard if at all... I suppose it depends how a particular school funds its merit aid.

  • RondaBCANRondaBCAN Member
    70 karma

    Thanks! For the schools that I have been accepted, I received anywhere from 40-65% tuition I thought that was pretty decent. Would be nice to make decisions as I need to make seat deposits by tomorrow but with so many schools not getting back to me, that makes it tough. I don't want to take a spot from someone else then back out...nor do I want to waste money, but don't want to take the chance either. UGH! Should have went last year!!!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @RondaBCAN said:
    I don't want to take a spot from someone else then back out...

    That's not how it works. Yield is factored into admit volume. In other words, they've admitted several times over what they want their class size to be.

    nor do I want to waste money, but don't want to take the chance either.

    Unfortunately thats just the nature of things... multiple deposits are very common.

  • havinagrattimhavinagrattim Member
    edited April 2021 94 karma

    @canihazJD Do you know when medians/student profiles will be released? the fall?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    509s are usually released in December. Schools start releasing medians around August as classes start.

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