I took it Sunday at noon, felt like the easiest LG section since the June 2007 PT and the RC was fair, but the LR had a couple of tricky ones. Overall, can't complain for my first test, expecting a 168-170 but hoping for a 170-172. Looking forward to the June test.
LG: Shelving books, giving tours, I dont remember the other 2
LR: IDR, nothing stood out except multiple disagreement q's tbh
RC: mexican murals, international water law/shortages, thieving birds, IDR
@turvsbro I think we had the same test. The last RC I had was on legal decision making but where they threw in economics examples. They really got me with that one
@kmatt said: @turvsbro I think we had the same test. The last RC I had was on legal decision making but where they threw in economics examples. They really got me with that one
Ah yes! I remember now. That is correct. That was a tough one to decipher. I think I prob dropped 1 question per passage on RC. The legal decision-making one was prob second worst for me.
RC was okay
LR was okay
LG games 1,2 were okay 3 was harder, guessed most of game 4.
Game 4 kind of threw me off. How did you guys do on the game about Grants??
Bit disappointed because I dont think I did as well on LG and it's my best section. I feel like I should have..sigh
Finished my test. LG and LR felt crazy easy as compared to the usual PT's.
RC felt like 80's PT.. I struggled with the second passage but overall RC was pretty standard too.
I had the order RC-LR-LG.
RC- monopoly, American Indian painters, Dogs and wolves, some case passage
@Shraddha1805 omg I feel exactly the same. The RC was a bit harder than usual.. but the LR... KILLED ME. LG was manageable/easier with no surprises. As I was rushing through the LR I gradually lost hope because I had so many questions where I literally just guessed and HAD TO move on without understanding or having any strong support for the answer choice I ended up choosing
@grasshopper50 said: @Shraddha1805 omg I feel exactly the same. The RC was a bit harder than usual.. but the LR... KILLED ME. LG was manageable/easier with no surprises. As I was rushing through the LR I gradually lost hope because I had so many questions where I literally just guessed and HAD TO move on without understanding or having any strong support for the answer choice I ended up choosing
Was there a specific question type you saw more of or just harder questions in general?
@"Timmy Is an Avg Kid that No One Understands" i guess in LR's there were a lot of tricky most strongly support questions but overall nothing toooo crazy in my opinion. Other question types were doable. I am usually a little weak in necessary assumptions but I am confident this time because well not that hard. (fingers crossed i actually got them right). RC also had WAY too many "what does the author agree with" questions UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
@itonydelatorre said:
I hate volcanoes. All I have for them is hate. Jazz sucks too, and I hope everyone forgets the history of it. And I'm going to make it my personal mission to make sure no parks or roads ever get grants again...
Basically, I don't think I did well.
I agree with you. And Latin music. IDK if I can ever NOT hear a swing dance now and wonder if its a fusion LOL
Just wrapped up the test. I'd like to begin this post be declaring my proctor public enemy number one. So many interruptions.
In order:
RC- harder than normal, but manageable. The passages felt pretty normal as far as reading goes but the questions were pretty difficult inferences/most strongly supported, what would the author agree with etc..
LG - LG was very rough for me as well (book shelving, law firm, tours, and one other that I can't remember)
LR - Very easy but my proctor interrupted me multiple times during this section. Extremely frustrated about that. It seemed like every time they butted in I was in the middle of a passage or in between two answer choices on what felt like a curved breaker.
I plan on retaking in June, but who knows, I'm sure we've all been surprised by a test before.
@jabarrineau said:
Just wrapped up the test. I'd like to begin this post be declaring my proctor public enemy number one. So many interruptions.
In order:
RC- harder than normal, but manageable. The passages felt pretty normal as far as reading goes but the questions were pretty difficult inferences/most strongly supported, what would the author agree with etc..
LG - LG was very rough for me as well (book shelving, law firm, tours, and one other that I can't remember)
LR - Very easy but my proctor interrupted me multiple times during this section. Extremely frustrated about that. It seemed like every time they butted in I was in the middle of a passage or in between two answer choices on what felt like a curved breaker.
I plan on retaking in June, but who knows, I'm sure we've all been surprised by a test before.
@"Timmy Is an Avg Kid that No One Understands" said:
@jabarrineau said:
Just wrapped up the test. I'd like to begin this post be declaring my proctor public enemy number one. So many interruptions.
In order:
RC- harder than normal, but manageable. The passages felt pretty normal as far as reading goes but the questions were pretty difficult inferences/most strongly supported, what would the author agree with etc..
LG - LG was very rough for me as well (book shelving, law firm, tours, and one other that I can't remember)
LR - Very easy but my proctor interrupted me multiple times during this section. Extremely frustrated about that. It seemed like every time they butted in I was in the middle of a passage or in between two answer choices on what felt like a curved breaker.
I plan on retaking in June, but who knows, I'm sure we've all been surprised by a test before.
Best of luck to everyone!
What did they keep interrupting you on?
Once I got an error that the connection had dropped entirely and was kicked out of the test. The other interruptions were for webcam drops that all seemed to require very long transition between my proctor and the "technician" and long conversation with both of them about what was happening and whether or not they could fix it.
I have no idea how it will turn out but will be pondering over ASL, birds, Mexican murals and water scarcity for awhile. Guess there’s always June.
LR- Questions in the 20s were super long, I had to guess on a few which was super frustrating
RC- Jazz, volcanoes, bike trails, comparative IP law
LG- I don't remember the first 2, engineers, grants
The last part of LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was multiple+ lines long. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. The only easy-medium passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't very familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. It was harder than the October and November tests in my opinion. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
@kadiewegrzynski said:
I just finished at 1 pm today. I had LR, RC, and LG. LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was a paragraph. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. The only medium to easy passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
Hoping for the best for everyone.
Hi! What do you mean by "game boards" when you talk about LG? What were they like?
@kadiewegrzynski said:
I just finished at 1 pm today. I had LR, RC, and LG. LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was a paragraph. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. The only medium to easy passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
Hoping for the best for everyone.
Hi! What do you mean by "game boards" when you talk about LG? What were they like?
Hey! I had the engineer and grant games that people have mentioned. I don't know how to describe it without giving too much away, but they weren't basic and definitely had twists. The grant one especially got me, I don't even know what it would be called if I was allowed to tell you. They also had rules I hadn't practiced with a lot. But the two other games weren't difficult for me!
LR- Questions in the 20s were super long, I had to guess on a few which was super frustrating
RC- Jazz, volcanoes, bike trails, comparative IP law
LG- I don't remember the first 2, engineers, grants
LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was a paragraph. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. Did anyone have the volcano passage? I thought it was really difficult because I had never heard of any of the terms or places before. The only medium to easy passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't very familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. It was harder than the October and November tests in my opinion. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
Hoping for the best for everyone.
I think we had the same test. I have never been so discouraged in my life. The third and fourth LG games were insane. I flew through the first two with extra time to spare, saw the third and said nope and went to fourth.... the fourth game was just as bad for me. I usually perform the best in LG and i’m sure that was my absolute worst section. Half of it was guesses. RC is usually my worst but I feel like I did better in that than any other section.
In regards to your question, I don’t think law schools typically look at all of your scores...only the highest score. I wouldn’t be worried that a lower score would hurt your chances because they look at the highest score submitted from my understanding.
I had LR, LG, RC - tbh it could've gone okay but it could've also gone not well lol
LR felt similar to PT's in the late 80s, a few disagreement questions that took a while to read, lowkey was thrown off because it took an extra 30 ish minutes to start my test from my actual test time. I felt like I was iffy on a lot of them, hopefully my intuition pulled through!!
LG wasn't too bad, first 3 were okay (seq., seq. w twist, grouping w/ twist). 4th game about grants was HARD af and I kinda figured it out with like 3 min left but I had to guess.
RC first 3 were ok, latin/jazz music, ice cores, cyclists on trails, IP law (comparative passage).
If we got different tests, are they curved relative to other people who got the same test? I felt like my LG was incredibly difficult but others are saying the opposite
Just finished my test and I don’t feel the best about it. It sucks because I feel like I was adequately prepared as I have been prepping for months and never had any of these issues with any pt... or even the first real LSAT i took... but this test just seemed EXXXXTRA hard! Mine went LR, RC, LG. LG is my best section (i usually go -4 or less for the entire LG section on a bad day) games 1 and 2 were fine, basic games, games 3 and 4 were unreal (engineering and grants). I had no idea how to set up either game and guessed basically majority of the questions for game 3 and game 4.
LR seemed a bit more difficult than normal and I noticed a lot of new wording/phrases that weren’t typically seen on practice tests in question stems and answer choices. It wasn’t that bad but there were more disagreement/point at issue questions which was weird.
RC is usually my worst section and i’m fine with it because the other two sections I usually rock...but this test has me a little worried. RC seemed easier than the other two sections in total. I had the cyclist, Jazz, volcano, and compare/contrast something about intellectual property(skipped).
Anyone else tested before or feels the same way? I just feel like this test was extremely difficult compared to other tests i’ve taken and any practice test i’ve seen. Really discouraging. 😢 I know I didn’t perform well but I hope I didn’t do as terrible as i’m feeling rn. Maybe there will be a generous curve but i’m doubtful it can be that generous.
Does your test get curved relative to others who took the same version? My games felt incredibly difficult, but some are saying that was the easiest for them.
@lsat5ever said:
Does your test get curved relative to others who took the same version? My games felt incredibly difficult, but some are saying that was the easiest for them.
Don’t quote me but I believe (if) it’s curved it’s based off of the other people who had the same exact section as you did. So if you both had the same game it will be curved relative to your selected answers.
Also, I have to say I feel you on games 3/4. I figured out what game 4 was asking of me but I only had 3 or so minutes left as well.
Did anyone find the RC (Native American art, wolves/dogs, Gaines, monopolies) kind of difficult? It was my first section and I think I was extremely nervous for it, but I think that it also felt harder than the usual RC. Contrarily, LG (piano/violin, mosaics, etc.) was super straightforward for me.
LR- Questions in the 20s were super long, I had to guess on a few which was super frustrating
RC- Jazz, volcanoes, bike trails, comparative IP law
LG- I don't remember the first 2, engineers, grants
LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was a paragraph. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. Did anyone have the volcano passage? I thought it was really difficult because I had never heard of any of the terms or places before. The only medium to easy passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't very familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. It was harder than the October and November tests in my opinion. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
Hoping for the best for everyone.
I think we had the same test. I have never been so discouraged in my life. The third and fourth LG games were insane. I flew through the first two with extra time to spare, saw the third and said nope and went to fourth.... the fourth game was just as bad for me. I usually perform the best in LG and i’m sure that was my absolute worst section. Half of it was guesses. RC is usually my worst but I feel like I did better in that than any other section.
In regards to your question, I don’t think law schools typically look at all of your scores...only the highest score. I wouldn’t be worried that a lower score would hurt your chances because they look at the highest score submitted from my understanding.
Hi Hannah! I read your other post and I agree, it sounds like we had the exact same test. I definitely can relate to how your feeling. It really sucks to have been studying for so long and then test day brings challenges we've never seen before. I really hope most people who took this version feel the same way as us so we get a decent sized curve. Thank you for responding about the waitlist situation! I really hope you're right. (:
I too flew through the first two games and did the exact same thing as you! I read over the third and skipped to the fourth and had the same trouble. I'm usually pting about -4 for LG so this is a real worry for me. Personally, LR seemed a bit more difficult than most prep tests I've taken and compared to the October and November tests. I flew through the beginning, just like LG, but got caught up at the end. Do you remember a lot of lengthy questions at the end? I agree with you about RC, it wasn't extremely difficult or anything, but I know I got in my head because LR had me in a panic at the end.
I'm sorry you had a bad test day too! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one though. (:
@Hannahbalas18 said:
Just finished my test and I don’t feel the best about it. It sucks because I feel like I was adequately prepared as I have been prepping for months and never had any of these issues with any pt... or even the first real LSAT i took... but this test just seemed EXXXXTRA hard! Mine went LR, RC, LG. LG is my best section (i usually go -4 or less for the entire LG section on a bad day) games 1 and 2 were fine, basic games, games 3 and 4 were unreal (engineering and grants). I had no idea how to set up either game and guessed basically majority of the questions for game 3 and game 4.
LR seemed a bit more difficult than normal and I noticed a lot of new wording/phrases that weren’t typically seen on practice tests in question stems and answer choices. It wasn’t that bad but there were more disagreement/point at issue questions which was weird.
RC is usually my worst section and i’m fine with it because the other two sections I usually rock...but this test has me a little worried. RC seemed easier than the other two sections in total. I had the cyclist, Jazz, volcano, and compare/contrast something about intellectual property(skipped).
Anyone else tested before or feels the same way? I just feel like this test was extremely difficult compared to other tests i’ve taken and any practice test i’ve seen. Really discouraging. 😢 I know I didn’t perform well but I hope I didn’t do as terrible as i’m feeling rn. Maybe there will be a generous curve but i’m doubtful it can be that generous.
@Hannahbalas18 said:
Just finished my test and I don’t feel the best about it. It sucks because I feel like I was adequately prepared as I have been prepping for months and never had any of these issues with any pt... or even the first real LSAT i took... but this test just seemed EXXXXTRA hard! Mine went LR, RC, LG. LG is my best section (i usually go -4 or less for the entire LG section on a bad day) games 1 and 2 were fine, basic games, games 3 and 4 were unreal (engineering and grants). I had no idea how to set up either game and guessed basically majority of the questions for game 3 and game 4.
LR seemed a bit more difficult than normal and I noticed a lot of new wording/phrases that weren’t typically seen on practice tests in question stems and answer choices. It wasn’t that bad but there were more disagreement/point at issue questions which was weird.
RC is usually my worst section and i’m fine with it because the other two sections I usually rock...but this test has me a little worried. RC seemed easier than the other two sections in total. I had the cyclist, Jazz, volcano, and compare/contrast something about intellectual property(skipped).
Anyone else tested before or feels the same way? I just feel like this test was extremely difficult compared to other tests i’ve taken and any practice test i’ve seen. Really discouraging. 😢 I know I didn’t perform well but I hope I didn’t do as terrible as i’m feeling rn. Maybe there will be a generous curve but i’m doubtful it can be that generous.
I finished six hours ago and have felt worse as the day has progressed. Like, I literally only remember a few question types and hope I didn’t blindly breeze through the whole test.
I got booted out of my exam by connection issues and couldn’t get back in even after trying for close to an hour. I called LSAC and they say they’ll email me, but I’m worried they’ll make me cancel my score since it was my internet. If I do that, I won’t be able to take one again until next testing year
LR- Questions in the 20s were super long, I had to guess on a few which was super frustrating
RC- Jazz, volcanoes, bike trails, comparative IP law
LG- I don't remember the first 2, engineers, grants
LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was a paragraph. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. Did anyone have the volcano passage? I thought it was really difficult because I had never heard of any of the terms or places before. The only medium to easy passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't very familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. It was harder than the October and November tests in my opinion. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
Hoping for the best for everyone.
I think we had the same test. I have never been so discouraged in my life. The third and fourth LG games were insane. I flew through the first two with extra time to spare, saw the third and said nope and went to fourth.... the fourth game was just as bad for me. I usually perform the best in LG and i’m sure that was my absolute worst section. Half of it was guesses. RC is usually my worst but I feel like I did better in that than any other section.
In regards to your question, I don’t think law schools typically look at all of your scores...only the highest score. I wouldn’t be worried that a lower score would hurt your chances because they look at the highest score submitted from my understanding.
Hi Hannah! I read your other post and I agree, it sounds like we had the exact same test. I definitely can relate to how your feeling. It really sucks to have been studying for so long and then test day brings challenges we've never seen before. I really hope most people who took this version feel the same way as us so we get a decent sized curve. Thank you for responding about the waitlist situation! I really hope you're right. (:
I too flew through the first two games and did the exact same thing as you! I read over the third and skipped to the fourth and had the same trouble. I'm usually pting about -4 for LG so this is a real worry for me. Personally, LR seemed a bit more difficult than most prep tests I've taken and compared to the October and November tests. I flew through the beginning, just like LG, but got caught up at the end. Do you remember a lot of lengthy questions at the end? I agree with you about RC, it wasn't extremely difficult or anything, but I know I got in my head because LR had me in a panic at the end.
I'm sorry you had a bad test day too! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one though. (:
I feel like if we all have the same outcome something on the up(ish) side is bound to come from it. Who knows. Ugh. Seems like a lot of people feel this exact way. I was amazed reading through some of the comments where people had the exact same experience as I did - and yours is almost exactly my situation with LG!! Yeah what were those weird long questions at the end?? Never have seen that. Crazy. Sorry about your day too. Let’s keep our heads up!! Maybe something surprisingly good will come from it
@Hannahbalas18 said:
Just finished my test and I don’t feel the best about it. It sucks because I feel like I was adequately prepared as I have been prepping for months and never had any of these issues with any pt... or even the first real LSAT i took... but this test just seemed EXXXXTRA hard! Mine went LR, RC, LG. LG is my best section (i usually go -4 or less for the entire LG section on a bad day) games 1 and 2 were fine, basic games, games 3 and 4 were unreal (engineering and grants). I had no idea how to set up either game and guessed basically majority of the questions for game 3 and game 4.
LR seemed a bit more difficult than normal and I noticed a lot of new wording/phrases that weren’t typically seen on practice tests in question stems and answer choices. It wasn’t that bad but there were more disagreement/point at issue questions which was weird.
RC is usually my worst section and i’m fine with it because the other two sections I usually rock...but this test has me a little worried. RC seemed easier than the other two sections in total. I had the cyclist, Jazz, volcano, and compare/contrast something about intellectual property(skipped).
Anyone else tested before or feels the same way? I just feel like this test was extremely difficult compared to other tests i’ve taken and any practice test i’ve seen. Really discouraging. 😢 I know I didn’t perform well but I hope I didn’t do as terrible as i’m feeling rn. Maybe there will be a generous curve but i’m doubtful it can be that generous.
@Hannahbalas18 said:
Just finished my test and I don’t feel the best about it. It sucks because I feel like I was adequately prepared as I have been prepping for months and never had any of these issues with any pt... or even the first real LSAT i took... but this test just seemed EXXXXTRA hard! Mine went LR, RC, LG. LG is my best section (i usually go -4 or less for the entire LG section on a bad day) games 1 and 2 were fine, basic games, games 3 and 4 were unreal (engineering and grants). I had no idea how to set up either game and guessed basically majority of the questions for game 3 and game 4.
LR seemed a bit more difficult than normal and I noticed a lot of new wording/phrases that weren’t typically seen on practice tests in question stems and answer choices. It wasn’t that bad but there were more disagreement/point at issue questions which was weird.
RC is usually my worst section and i’m fine with it because the other two sections I usually rock...but this test has me a little worried. RC seemed easier than the other two sections in total. I had the cyclist, Jazz, volcano, and compare/contrast something about intellectual property(skipped).
Anyone else tested before or feels the same way? I just feel like this test was extremely difficult compared to other tests i’ve taken and any practice test i’ve seen. Really discouraging. 😢 I know I didn’t perform well but I hope I didn’t do as terrible as i’m feeling rn. Maybe there will be a generous curve but i’m doubtful it can be that generous.
I finished six hours ago and have felt worse as the day has progressed. Like, I literally only remember a few question types and hope I didn’t blindly breeze through the whole test.
I feel the same way!! I think it’s because some of the questions were so hard!!! Brain is fried after today
Dude! What was up with those logic games?! To me, this test was like harder-than-average on LG and RC. Some of the answers were So similar! Blah! Has anyone felt like they did not do well, but ended up doing well? Last time, I ran out of time and guessed for a lot of my questions; this time, at least I made a reasonable, thoughtful choice for each "guess."
@123laraa said:
Did anyone find the RC (Native American art, wolves/dogs, Gaines, monopolies) kind of difficult? It was my first section and I think I was extremely nervous for it, but I think that it also felt harder than the usual RC. Contrarily, LG (piano/violin, mosaics, etc.) was super straightforward for me.
I had the same test as you. It was the last section for me. Somehow I scheduled a bad time to take the test because it was my bed time. (No pun intended) So my brain was literally jammed at that point and yeah, it was hard, if not exceptionally. I think the monopoly and Indian American art one were tougher than others. Had to rushed over last couple of questions. Otherwise the test went smoothly since the relatively easier LR and LG offset the difficulty.
@turvsbro said:
I took it Sunday at noon, felt like the easiest LG section since the June 2007 PT and the RC was fair, but the LR had a couple of tricky ones. Overall, can't complain for my first test, expecting a 168-170 but hoping for a 170-172. Looking forward to the June test.
LG: Shelving books, giving tours, I dont remember the other 2
LR: IDR, nothing stood out except multiple disagreement q's tbh
RC: mexican murals, international water law/shortages, thieving birds, IDR
pretty sure I had the same exam as you. I remember encountering maybe 4 disagreement questions.
@turvsbro said:
I took it Sunday at noon, felt like the easiest LG section since the June 2007 PT and the RC was fair, but the LR had a couple of tricky ones. Overall, can't complain for my first test, expecting a 168-170 but hoping for a 170-172. Looking forward to the June test.
LG: Shelving books, giving tours, I dont remember the other 2
LR: IDR, nothing stood out except multiple disagreement q's tbh
RC: mexican murals, international water law/shortages, thieving birds, IDR
pretty sure I had the same exam as you. I remember encountering maybe 4 disagreement questions.
@whatsWaynedoing@123laraa I had the same test as you.. I also found RC just weird. The passage was easy to understand but the answer choices threw me off..
LG was easy.
Did y'all have LR with earth and glycene, 70% consumer decisions and trade between two countries sort of Q's?
@itonydelatorre said:
I hate volcanoes. All I have for them is hate. Jazz sucks too, and I hope everyone forgets the history of it. And I'm going to make it my personal mission to make sure no parks or roads ever get grants again...
Basically, I don't think I did well.
Pretty sure we took the same test. I found the Jazz RC boring but easy to understand and I also enjoyed reading about BC Parks so there that. Haha. I'm just going to assume I bombed all the LG.
@Shraddha1805 said: @whatsWaynedoing@123laraa I had the same test as you.. I also found RC just weird. The passage was easy to understand but the answer choices threw me off..
LG was easy.
Did y'all have LR with earth and glycene, 70% consumer decisions and trade between two countries sort of Q's?
@Shraddha1805 TBH I forgot most of the stimulus in LR. The one I do remember is about Van Gouh and the moon's position in its painting. And it's a NA question.
@acquadiice said:
powerscore april flex podcast is up
I started listening and then went to the epi 81 - why is this admission cycle so competitive and my heart sank. The number of people scoring 175+ with the flex is astounding.
I took it Sunday at noon, felt like the easiest LG section since the June 2007 PT and the RC was fair, but the LR had a couple of tricky ones. Overall, can't complain for my first test, expecting a 168-170 but hoping for a 170-172. Looking forward to the June test.
LG: Shelving books, giving tours, I dont remember the other 2
LR: IDR, nothing stood out except multiple disagreement q's tbh
RC: mexican murals, international water law/shortages, thieving birds, IDR
@turvsbro I think we had the same test. The last RC I had was on legal decision making but where they threw in economics examples. They really got me with that one
Ah yes! I remember now. That is correct. That was a tough one to decipher. I think I prob dropped 1 question per passage on RC. The legal decision-making one was prob second worst for me.
So people can take the test at different times but get the same test?
Just finished the test. RC and LG was a breeze but LR was ridiculous.
RC and LR felt weird for me, and LG was a breeze - just finished the test
RC was okay
LR was okay
LG games 1,2 were okay 3 was harder, guessed most of game 4.
Game 4 kind of threw me off. How did you guys do on the game about Grants??
Bit disappointed because I dont think I did as well on LG and it's my best section. I feel like I should have..sigh
Finished my test. LG and LR felt crazy easy as compared to the usual PT's.
RC felt like 80's PT.. I struggled with the second passage but overall RC was pretty standard too.
I had the order RC-LR-LG.
RC- monopoly, American Indian painters, Dogs and wolves, some case passage
@Shraddha1805 omg I feel exactly the same. The RC was a bit harder than usual.. but the LR... KILLED ME. LG was manageable/easier with no surprises. As I was rushing through the LR I gradually lost hope because I had so many questions where I literally just guessed and HAD TO move on without understanding or having any strong support for the answer choice I ended up choosing
Was there a specific question type you saw more of or just harder questions in general?
@"Timmy Is an Avg Kid that No One Understands" i guess in LR's there were a lot of tricky most strongly support questions but overall nothing toooo crazy in my opinion. Other question types were doable. I am usually a little weak in necessary assumptions but I am confident this time because well not that hard. (fingers crossed i actually got them right). RC also had WAY too many "what does the author agree with" questions UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you. And Latin music. IDK if I can ever NOT hear a swing dance now and wonder if its a fusion LOL
Just wrapped up the test. I'd like to begin this post be declaring my proctor public enemy number one. So many interruptions.
In order:
RC- harder than normal, but manageable. The passages felt pretty normal as far as reading goes but the questions were pretty difficult inferences/most strongly supported, what would the author agree with etc..
LG - LG was very rough for me as well (book shelving, law firm, tours, and one other that I can't remember)
LR - Very easy but my proctor interrupted me multiple times during this section. Extremely frustrated about that. It seemed like every time they butted in I was in the middle of a passage or in between two answer choices on what felt like a curved breaker.
I plan on retaking in June, but who knows, I'm sure we've all been surprised by a test before.
Best of luck to everyone!
What did they keep interrupting you on?
Once I got an error that the connection had dropped entirely and was kicked out of the test. The other interruptions were for webcam drops that all seemed to require very long transition between my proctor and the "technician" and long conversation with both of them about what was happening and whether or not they could fix it.
I have no idea how it will turn out but will be pondering over ASL, birds, Mexican murals and water scarcity for awhile. Guess there’s always June.
RC--econ & law, Mexican murals, water & subsidies, F'ng birds.
LG--law firm, book shelves, (not sure what), and tours destination
LR--internet searches, cows, political spending,
RC was hard.
Overall Mehh.
I just finished at 1 pm today.
LR- Questions in the 20s were super long, I had to guess on a few which was super frustrating
RC- Jazz, volcanoes, bike trails, comparative IP law
LG- I don't remember the first 2, engineers, grants
The last part of LR was seriously so hard and it's usually my best section. I had to guess on questions and I've never had to do that in practice. The last 6 or so questions were all a paragraph in length (if I remember correctly), and each answer choice was multiple+ lines long. I couldn't get to everything in time which really psyched me out for the first passage of my next section, RC. My first passage was the jazz one that everyone is talking about. The only easy-medium passage I felt like was the the cyclist/park one. Logic games were okay, but the third and fourth ones used game boards I wasn't very familiar with and I've taken dozens of prep tests. Overall, I am SCARED. It was harder than the October and November tests in my opinion. I'm trying to get off waitlists, and I'm wondering if a lower score would hurt my chances or be neutral?
Hoping for the best for everyone.
Hi! What do you mean by "game boards" when you talk about LG? What were they like?
Hey! I had the engineer and grant games that people have mentioned. I don't know how to describe it without giving too much away, but they weren't basic and definitely had twists. The grant one especially got me, I don't even know what it would be called if I was allowed to tell you. They also had rules I hadn't practiced with a lot. But the two other games weren't difficult for me!
I think we had the same test. I have never been so discouraged in my life. The third and fourth LG games were insane. I flew through the first two with extra time to spare, saw the third and said nope and went to fourth.... the fourth game was just as bad for me. I usually perform the best in LG and i’m sure that was my absolute worst section. Half of it was guesses. RC is usually my worst but I feel like I did better in that than any other section.
In regards to your question, I don’t think law schools typically look at all of your scores...only the highest score. I wouldn’t be worried that a lower score would hurt your chances because they look at the highest score submitted from my understanding.
I had LR, LG, RC - tbh it could've gone okay but it could've also gone not well lol
LR felt similar to PT's in the late 80s, a few disagreement questions that took a while to read, lowkey was thrown off because it took an extra 30 ish minutes to start my test from my actual test time. I felt like I was iffy on a lot of them, hopefully my intuition pulled through!!
LG wasn't too bad, first 3 were okay (seq., seq. w twist, grouping w/ twist). 4th game about grants was HARD af and I kinda figured it out with like 3 min left but I had to guess.
RC first 3 were ok, latin/jazz music, ice cores, cyclists on trails, IP law (comparative passage).
If we got different tests, are they curved relative to other people who got the same test? I felt like my LG was incredibly difficult but others are saying the opposite
Just finished my test and I don’t feel the best about it. It sucks because I feel like I was adequately prepared as I have been prepping for months and never had any of these issues with any pt... or even the first real LSAT i took... but this test just seemed EXXXXTRA hard! Mine went LR, RC, LG. LG is my best section (i usually go -4 or less for the entire LG section on a bad day) games 1 and 2 were fine, basic games, games 3 and 4 were unreal (engineering and grants). I had no idea how to set up either game and guessed basically majority of the questions for game 3 and game 4.
LR seemed a bit more difficult than normal and I noticed a lot of new wording/phrases that weren’t typically seen on practice tests in question stems and answer choices. It wasn’t that bad but there were more disagreement/point at issue questions which was weird.
RC is usually my worst section and i’m fine with it because the other two sections I usually rock...but this test has me a little worried. RC seemed easier than the other two sections in total. I had the cyclist, Jazz, volcano, and compare/contrast something about intellectual property(skipped).
Anyone else tested before or feels the same way? I just feel like this test was extremely difficult compared to other tests i’ve taken and any practice test i’ve seen. Really discouraging. 😢 I know I didn’t perform well but I hope I didn’t do as terrible as i’m feeling rn. Maybe there will be a generous curve but i’m doubtful it can be that generous.
Does your test get curved relative to others who took the same version? My games felt incredibly difficult, but some are saying that was the easiest for them.
Don’t quote me but I believe (if) it’s curved it’s based off of the other people who had the same exact section as you did. So if you both had the same game it will be curved relative to your selected answers.
Also, I have to say I feel you on games 3/4. I figured out what game 4 was asking of me but I only had 3 or so minutes left as well.
Did anyone find the RC (Native American art, wolves/dogs, Gaines, monopolies) kind of difficult? It was my first section and I think I was extremely nervous for it, but I think that it also felt harder than the usual RC. Contrarily, LG (piano/violin, mosaics, etc.) was super straightforward for me.
Hi Hannah! I read your other post and I agree, it sounds like we had the exact same test. I definitely can relate to how your feeling. It really sucks to have been studying for so long and then test day brings challenges we've never seen before. I really hope most people who took this version feel the same way as us so we get a decent sized curve. Thank you for responding about the waitlist situation! I really hope you're right. (:
I too flew through the first two games and did the exact same thing as you! I read over the third and skipped to the fourth and had the same trouble. I'm usually pting about -4 for LG so this is a real worry for me. Personally, LR seemed a bit more difficult than most prep tests I've taken and compared to the October and November tests. I flew through the beginning, just like LG, but got caught up at the end. Do you remember a lot of lengthy questions at the end? I agree with you about RC, it wasn't extremely difficult or anything, but I know I got in my head because LR had me in a panic at the end.
I'm sorry you had a bad test day too! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one though. (:
I finished six hours ago and have felt worse as the day has progressed. Like, I literally only remember a few question types and hope I didn’t blindly breeze through the whole test.
@123laraa RC felt super hard for me and I definitely think I made a bunch of mistakes. LG was smooth, and LR was somewhat tricky near the end.
I got booted out of my exam by connection issues and couldn’t get back in even after trying for close to an hour. I called LSAC and they say they’ll email me, but I’m worried they’ll make me cancel my score since it was my internet. If I do that, I won’t be able to take one again until next testing year
I feel like if we all have the same outcome something on the up(ish) side is bound to come from it. Who knows. Ugh. Seems like a lot of people feel this exact way. I was amazed reading through some of the comments where people had the exact same experience as I did - and yours is almost exactly my situation with LG!! Yeah what were those weird long questions at the end?? Never have seen that. Crazy. Sorry about your day too. Let’s keep our heads up!! Maybe something surprisingly good will come from it
I feel the same way!! I think it’s because some of the questions were so hard!!! Brain is fried after today
Dude! What was up with those logic games?! To me, this test was like harder-than-average on LG and RC. Some of the answers were So similar! Blah! Has anyone felt like they did not do well, but ended up doing well? Last time, I ran out of time and guessed for a lot of my questions; this time, at least I made a reasonable, thoughtful choice for each "guess."
I had the same test as you. It was the last section for me. Somehow I scheduled a bad time to take the test because it was my bed time. (No pun intended) So my brain was literally jammed at that point and yeah, it was hard, if not exceptionally. I think the monopoly and Indian American art one were tougher than others. Had to rushed over last couple of questions. Otherwise the test went smoothly since the relatively easier LR and LG offset the difficulty.
pretty sure I had the same exam as you. I remember encountering maybe 4 disagreement questions.
Same exam as you two
I took it on Tuesday
I had the same test as you. RC was soo hard
@whatsWaynedoing @123laraa I had the same test as you.. I also found RC just weird. The passage was easy to understand but the answer choices threw me off..
LG was easy.
Did y'all have LR with earth and glycene, 70% consumer decisions and trade between two countries sort of Q's?
Pretty sure we took the same test. I found the Jazz RC boring but easy to understand and I also enjoyed reading about BC Parks so there that. Haha. I'm just going to assume I bombed all the LG.
@Shraddha1805 TBH I forgot most of the stimulus in LR. The one I do remember is about Van Gouh and the moon's position in its painting. And it's a NA question.
Do we have to do a new writing sample every time we take the Lsat?
@tonyahardzinski no, you just need to have one on file.
powerscore april flex podcast is up
The games wrecked me. Came out of that test feeling so discouraged. Are they making it harder because it is 3 section instead of 4?
so for anyone with the engineering and grants LG game... did I misinterpret the curve prediction or are we screwed 😭😭😭
@whatsWaynedoing YES, i also had the Van gouh NA question. What did you think about the LR?
I started listening and then went to the epi 81 - why is this admission cycle so competitive and my heart sank. The number of people scoring 175+ with the flex is astounding.