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Prep Material Advice

Webby_SongdoWebby_Songdo Alum Member
edited May 2021 in General 677 karma

Hi everyone,
I am 30% into 7Sage Core Curriculum. I also purchased the LSAT Trainer by Kim and Loophole by Cassidy. I also have a PDF of Cambridge LSAT. Do you think these materials are enough to prepare for the LSAT? Should I additionally purchase PowerScore Bible series?

Please help!


  • AspiringforBalance-1AspiringforBalance-1 Alum Member
    84 karma

    Hi! In terms of prep materials, I would go through what you have now, and see what works for you in terms of helping you understand the material. I say this because each of those materials you listed, while covering the same exam, will teach them in different ways; depending on how you learn and what works best for you, that should be the material you ought to use.

    For example, I purchased one of the PowerScore Bibles when I first started prepping, and while it was helpful, it wasn't until I used 7Sage and saw the way they taught the LSAT that I really started to understand and do better on questions. In another example, while I think the Loophole is a great resource, there will be some folks on this site who see it less as a base for building their knowledge, and more as a supplement to the 7Sage CC.

    All in all, start with what you have now and see if it works for you - if you see that you're not improving, then try to use something else that will help you grasp the material.

  • Webby_SongdoWebby_Songdo Alum Member
    677 karma

    @AspiringforBalance said:
    Hi! In terms of prep materials, I would go through what you have now, and see what works for you in terms of helping you understand the material. I say this because each of those materials you listed, while covering the same exam, will teach them in different ways; depending on how you learn and what works best for you, that should be the material you ought to use.

    For example, I purchased one of the PowerScore Bibles when I first started prepping, and while it was helpful, it wasn't until I used 7Sage and saw the way they taught the LSAT that I really started to understand and do better on questions. In another example, while I think the Loophole is a great resource, there will be some folks on this site who see it less as a base for building their knowledge, and more as a supplement to the 7Sage CC.

    All in all, start with what you have now and see if it works for you - if you see that you're not improving, then try to use something else that will help you grasp the material.

    Thank you for your advice. I will duly note it and move forward with the current material.

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