someone who feels like they are "stuck in test prep limbo" and can't manage to raise their score through additional study, it was reassuring to read this article. There is a science to LSAT study and at least some researchers have found evidence it improves brain activity in lasting ways for the better.
I'd be interested to know other peoples' experience, have you plateaued or even gone backwards in your scores, and how have you gotten your scores back up and/or reached your target?
Weight loss work the same way—at first when your body is first being shocked into shedding pounds, you often lose big (Biggest Loser early weeks, people lose like 20 lbs sometimes): some is water, some is fat, some is muscle. As time goes on your body becomes more efficient (and as you develop better hydration habits, the body does not hold onto water); once you get into a healthy BMI range weight loss often slows because there's no real reason for the body to give up that fat, especially for women. So you have to switch it up and trick the body, etc.