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A Year to Study?

brittanyeducatesbrittanyeducates Core Member
in General 10 karma

Hey everyone, I am new here. Is a year too long to study for the LSAT? A little background about me. I am almost 30, a single mom of one, and I have a 3.9 gpa. I don’t like the idea of cramming this information. As I want to be able to enjoy learning how to master this test. Is a year appropriate?


  • 476 karma

    I really like how you're approaching the test! I wish I began with that approach. Someone else mentioned in the forum about how to approach studying for the LSAT, and they recommended for the score from practice to determine the timing. So the perfect time will be whenever you reach your goal score. I thought it was pretty good advice so wanted to forward it to you.

  • Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
    957 karma

    A year can definitely be appropriate. Everyone moves at a different pace, but I really like your mindset -you really can't cram for the LSAT. It's a skills based test and, for most of us, this is our first time learning some of these skills. Best of luck on your studies!

  • 7 karma

    I did the year-long approach and it was a great decision. It gave me time to continue working full time, finish up school, and still prepare for the test. I feel as though I wound up having a much deeper understanding of the material and what strategies worked for me.

  • moonstars5678moonstars5678 Member
    166 karma

    I'm working full-time (at a very time-demanding job) and I genuinely don't think I could do it without giving myself a year to study for the LSAT. Halfway through, and I think it's been a good balance of work, studying, and regular life (as well as staying sane). Good luck!

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