Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Law Admissions Timeline Issue --Help!! - 7Sage Forum

Law Admissions Timeline Issue --Help!!

KelsoK13KelsoK13 Alum Member
edited June 2015 in General 21 karma
I really need some advice. My fiancee is in medical school, and will begin his residency when I begin law school. The way that residency works is that medical students pick where they apply, then are matched based on a ranking system. This means that he won't know where he will be for residency until the match day on March 18th.

Our original plan was for him to apply to residency programs only in cities where I have a few good law school options. Then after he was matched, I would choose a law school in that city. I studied really hard for the lsat to be sure that I would have options in multiple large cities. I have a good gpa. This seemed like it could work.

I was looking at admission timelines, and it appears that some great schools require you to give them an answer by the end of February. I won't know where my fiancee is matched for residency until March 18th. What should I do? Do you think law admissions offices will be flexible with those deadlines? We will be married at that point, and really don't want to live long distance at the beginning of our marriage.


  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    I think you misunderstood when you read that some schools have a Feb deadline. That's most likely an initial deposit to hold your seat. Yes that will cost a couple hundred dollars but for most schools, you can still double-deposit until a later date (in your case March).

    I have a friend who was in at two T14's and only recently made a decision on where to attend last month.

    As for choosing schools to apply to, please keep in mind schools outside of the T14 are regional for the most part so if you pick say a T30 in a city, plan on working in that area for a couple years before moving.
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    I think it is a really close time between end of February and middle of March and EVERYTHING is negotiable. Congratulations and know that everything works out exactly as it should.
  • KelsoK13KelsoK13 Alum Member
    21 karma
    Okay Thanks! This makes me feel a lot better.
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    Maybe you end up going to a school that isn't exactly what you want but pretty close. I know it sucks for me to say put your needs behind your future husbands but unfortunately law school is not the same as matching. We have so many more options and if he turned down a match, he's done.
  • KelsoK13KelsoK13 Alum Member
    21 karma
    Yeah. That is why he decided to only apply to programs that have a good safety school I would be happy with. He is trying to prioritize my goals with his residency applications, so that wherever he ends up matched I will have a good option. It is going to be a compromise for both of us, but I think its worth it to be together. We both want each other to be happy and go far in our careers.
  • jing3939jing3939 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 88 karma
    @"Kelsie Marie" I think it's great he is trying to prioritize your goals. My partner went through the residency match 4 years ago and fellowship applications last year. I was still finishing undergrad. I know it's super stressful and also exciting. His applying to programs where you also will be happy is a good start. My advice is to not stress out too much about the nuances of admissions at particular schools yet and just make sure there is a school in the area you would consider attending (which it looks like you're already doing). Once he starts receiving interview invitations, that will help narrow things down and you can get into all the details with the law school adcoms in those places.
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