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Would you minor in Japanese?

BerserkeleyBerserkeley Core Member
in Off-topic 64 karma

Would you minor in Japanese and aim to become a trilingual and guarantee all As from each class? Or just take some extra social science classes to broaden your perspective in law (or polish up my writing skill as I am not really a native English speaker)

I am a South Korean born international student, but Japanese to me is like guaranteed As. All 5 unit classes. No sweat.

My Major is Cognitive Science!


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Are you already fluent in Japanese? Are there any other minors that interest you? Will the minor benefit your future career goals?

  • galacticgalactic Yearly Member
    690 karma

    Hi there, the admissions deans of YLS & HLS address this question @ minute 3 in ep.1 of their Navigating Law School Admissions podcast. Hope this helps!

  • BerserkeleyBerserkeley Core Member
    64 karma

    @lsatplaylist 1. nope
    2. Sociology, Economics, Military Science or accounting....but those are not offered as minors in my college
    3. Most likely, yes.

  • Briana 170Briana 170 Core Member
    70 karma

    I majored in Japanese, lived in Japan for 5 years and lived abroad for 6 years in total. I am not an admissions advisor but I really think it would be a good idea ESPECIALLY because of the easy A's. And to be honest, just because you minor in Japanese, it most likely doesn't mean you only have to take classes in Japanese language right? Like perhaps, Japanese or east asian political history classes will count towards the minor.

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