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2 Week Push

As we get into the last 2 weeks before the exam, I'm hoping for any advice folks have on how to bump scores up. How are you studying? What kinds of resources are you using? And does anyone have experience boosting their score in such a short time?


  • 3 karma

    I think one piece of advice that helped me a lot to boost my score is not to crunch in a bunch of studying in the last few weeks. If you have been putting in the work already and have a good base, decrease the number of hours you are studying. Be really focused and intentional when you do study (don't just take practice tests to take them; really focus in on what kinds of questions you are missing and why. Fill in those gaps). Get a lot of rest, treat your mind and body well. Sometimes stepping back from something you have been intensely focusing on is super helpful! I did this last time and boosted my score, and I'm hoping to do the same for the August test. This may not work for everyone but it worked for me and my friend who gave me the advice in the first place. Good luck!

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