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I’ve really been making strides the past two weeks. I’ve gotten my BR score from a month ago on a timed LSAT. How can I jump into the 170’s? Is it purely taking PT’s? Or am I at a point I need to take a more niche course? I think I have LG and mostly RC locked down, and have a couple of questions in each LR that scramble my brain like Sunday morning breakfast. Advice and/or jokes are highly appreciated.
HIGH KEY GRAB A TUTOR. You're maaad flirting with the 170s bro. Higher scoring tutors will give u the insights you need for those last 3-4 questions
Dude I’m broke
im high 160s too, what would a tutor offer that is not offered elsewhere?
week before the lsat... is there a point of getting a tutor now?
Sometimes the different between 168 and 170 is 2 lucky guesses. To me the 170 scorer was a bit luckier than the 168 scorer. I don't know if a two points will be a big factor in your application. What is the difference between 130 and 132. I know that they both suck at LSAT.
@eddieh414 Then budget and invest. You got to 168 from 140 on your own. You're a literal genius (relatively speaking) who's on the cusp of the 170s. You get that? I'm broke as hell too bruh but in hindsight it's just an excuse. My tutor took me to the 170s in a month. Best decision so far. Play it smart and get what you deserve, king. (edit: yo this is cringe af)
@whatsmyname Depends on how much you trust your tutor, but there's no point right now in your case imo. Sleep and eat well. I believe in you fam.
@"Isaac Bensaid" omg.. I respectfully disagree. 1. the difference between 165 and 168 is 2 unlucky guesses sometimes. 2. The LSAT is near luck-proof.. Ask the folks who took it 5+ times. 3. 130 and 132.. of course it's negligible, but a 168 and 170 are light years different depending on what you want. Love you bro.
thanks boss, may the force be with you too.
I'm thinking of writing in October too, I think I might get a tutor to polish things out. What is it that your tutor had to offer?
How do you make that jump into 170s? I isolated some hard ass LR questions and I still get them wrong, I hate it.
as for the exam being luck proof... very true. It's a statistically consistent exam, it's designed to be consistent and they've done a very good job at that. The most your points will fluctuate is 2-3 points, unless you mess up a game or something.
@whatsmyname I realized I glossed that question initially sorry fam. And my tutor mainly taught me how to cross off wrong answers. We do the whole stem-stim-AC process and practice skimming the AC's real quick in like 8-10 seconds and crossing off the bad ACs. I'm left with 2 AC's on the 1-4 star Q's usually. Then I just depend on straight up gut power. I compare them, click an AC, and move on as quick as possible. But I'm in a rut right now NGL. I went 174, 163, 168 the past two weeks. LSAT can smd.
Can you start a gofundme? I am sure you will find supporters in this community that will help you cover the cost of 1 or 2 1-hour tutoring sessions. Let us know if you are creating one!
Oh god i dont want to take anyone's money lol. There are more deserving people im sure.
How do i even find a tutor? did you do yours in person? And like how do they assess where your at? Do u send them your 7sage analytics? lol. congrats on the scores btw, wow. Either way, it wont end me financially if i get two or three sessions i imagine, lol.
How do I find a tutor? PowerScore and corporate tutors charge 150 an hour, looking for sub 80 dollar range. I struggle with RC by far the most due to slow reading.
. They are valuable members of the community and would love to help you
Here are the 7sage approved tutors. Most of them seem to charge 70 dollars and below so you should for sure check them out
@eddieh414 are the last few LR questions diagrammable? Sometimes I find if I can map it out it will get me to the right answer. I, unusually, do well on the last few questions which are supposedly the hardest, but often fall short in the late middle questions.
the questions that need explicit logical steps are tough but if i take a good three minutes I usually get them. Usually my wrong answers are when the last two answer choices are really similar and i cant even see how they're different.
@eddieh414 wait aren't you high 160s? We're the same fam. And ya that list of approved tutors is where I found my tutor - he's a beast @canihazJD (shameless plug). I think he gauged my level just doing questions together. and ya man, it's a good financial investment to just dump most of what you got in these tutors. 4-5 points on a high 160s = tens of thousands of scholarship + higher chance at better college + better chance at a firm + whatever you tryna get. IDK why this isn't more common knowledge. I'm a brokeass rural texas rambunctious piece of whoopass fam but I dont regret a dime
@robin360 powerscore is great, but 7SAGE IS WHERE IT'S AT. REPPING JY KING YOU FEEL ME?
Hey man, I'm saving up for a tutor right now, do you mind if I message you a couple of questions? I'm interested in your path to a 170 with a tutor.
For polishing your performance, and keeping on a budget, talk to @canihazJD
@Older_LS_Applicant85 HMU. I'm here for all my 7Saging superiors. @sarakimmel knows WHERE IT'S AT. @canihazJD ALL THE WAY BABYY
love your vibe haha. I need to hire you as my motivator
@lsat_sus @sarakimmel thanks for the kind words.
All, while I am still tutoring, with school starting my availability is extremely limited. I’d love to work with anyone, but if you need greater frequency 7sage tutors @logician and @"Burt Reynolds" have some availability and are very good.
I also have some former students, some of whom went on to surpass me on the test, who are going to be tutoring as well that I can recommend.
Can we discuss prices? I'm not really sure how this works but I am open to paying for those extra points.
Thank you man, really appreciate it.
I have a couple of questions, but the first one is you mention that you reached 170s in a month, where were you before tutoring? Were you high or mid 160s? Or lower?
Also, how often did you meet with your tutor?
I haven't taken any PTs because I've been perfecting my method for RC, LG, and LR (doing nothing but problems and problem sets) but I feel like if I took a PT right now, I'd probably score in the low 160s.
So, if I hired a tutor, how often should I meet with him to start? Do they work on your method and then they leave you to work on that method until you hire them for another session or does a tutor supervise your development every step of the way?
I've got a lot more questions but I don't want to overwhelm you. Sorry if I did bro.
Thanks for sharing your experience
@eddieh414 you can find @canihazJD on his website and make an appt. You can discuss prices too (it's worth a shot)
He's busy tho.. but idk worth a shot. Don't take my slot with him tho LMAO jkjk
@Older_LS_Applicant85 - I was high 150s, barely hitting 160s, but I studied a year before that month jump, so I wouldn't credit my jump to "just a month." I think the year of grinding set the groundwork for the final little "advice" and habits I learned from my tutor that kind of unlocked the test for me. I met with him M-F.
It's up to you. I met everyday because he happened to have that time available before 1L at Cornell. I jumped at the opportunity. And for methods.. I guess 7Sage folks kind of follow a similar template/method.. so yeah.. I mostly asked him "what did you think about when you read this" and compared that with what I thought. He mainly showed me how to determine what's relevant and what's not - which was a gamechanger cuz I think used to think everything mattered.
And PM me @Older_LS_Applicant85 if you have other questions - would love to help you out
@eddieh414 just remember, there is only 1 correct answer.