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Blind Review with LawHub and old exams

cameronrm07cameronrm07 Alum Member
in General 21 karma

Anyone have tips on how to do Blind Review using LawHub? 7sage interface seems to have a good framework for BR, but I feel like it's also important for me to keep practicing with the official interface, even if the right answer is there. Would I just write down on some paper what I was unsure of and make a new test to BR from there?

Also, general question: I took about 20 PTs and the June 2021 LSAT before I started using 7sage and BR. Is it even worth the time to try and BR those exams even though I won't know which questions to do?


  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    On lawhub if you take the test in self paced mode instead exam mode, even without an official blind review function, you can blind review.

    First, take the test as you normally would. When time is up, pause the section, don't finish the section and immediately move on to the next section. Once you've finished the whole test, go back and review the questions. As you're reviewing, have the 7sage window open so you can input your answers and blind review data.

    @cameronrm07 said:

    Also, general question: I took about 20 PTs and the June 2021 LSAT before I started using 7sage and BR. Is it even worth the time to try and BR those exams even though I won't know which questions to do?

    Yes, it is 100% worth it to BR exams you've already done. Just take one section a day and go through it again. Your understanding of the question today is probably way different from when you first did it, so there's a ton a value in those old PTs still.

  • cameronrm07cameronrm07 Alum Member
    21 karma

    Forgot about self-paced mode, thanks!

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