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Can I see my score?

bbbiqbalbbbiqbal Core Member
in General 26 karma

So I wrote the LSAT for the first time in June and cancelled my score because I scored way lower than I expected. I'm currently registered for the October LSAT and my score is kind of where I want it. I'm kind of stressed about taking the test because I don't know if I can see my score and cancel it if I don't like it. Is that just something they offer for your first test? Part of me wants to move my test to November but another part of me thinks I'm just freaking out because of my anxiety. If I can see my score, I'm thinking of registering for the November test and then deciding whether or not I want to write it after viewing my score. Otherwise I might just move it to November. Help.


  • 124 karma

    If you're referring to the "Score Preview" option from LSAC for first-time test-takers, I'm pretty sure that's a one-time opportunity. If you already took the LSAT, you will not be able to view your score and then decide if you want to cancel or not. Usually, non-first-time test-takers cancel their scores when they KNOW things went wrong mid-exam (connection/proctor issues, you didn't answer a significant number of questions, panicked, etc.), and cancelling is only possible before your score is available. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    You are correct @Independent1821 , you can only preview and cancel a first test.

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