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Sufficient Assumption

LegallyLSATLegallyLSAT Alum Member

I am coming to terms that I have serious difficulty with sufficient assumption questions. IS there anyone that can help?
I’ve gone back over my notes but I’m still lost.


  • bristudiesbristudies Core Member
    2 karma

    Same :(

  • mesposito886mesposito886 Member
    254 karma

    I'm in a similar boat. I think a lot of it comes down to the relative wordiness of SA questions in comparison to other question types, which make them seem overwhelming. It would be worth drilling some SA questions (you can make the problem sets from tests you haven't taken/don't intend to take).

  • saigovada327saigovada327 Member
    14 karma

    I feel the same way and sometimes I feel like I was better off using purely intuition than trying to translate everything into conditional logic. Maybe I just need more practice, but I definitely resonate

  • LegallyLSATLegallyLSAT Alum Member
    172 karma

    Omg yes, I agree with the stimulus’ of these questions being so wordy.

    For now, I’m using the practice sets untimed for SA questions. It seems I’m at least getting a decent amount right when untimed. As soon as the questions are timed, I immediately panic. I have yet to take an official test as I’m trying to finish this course completely and then I’ll take the test.

    I’m trying a different approach than what I previously did with another prep course, taking tests weekly/biweekly.

    Wanting something so bad and feeling like it’s so far away. Ugh! But I continue to not give up and I guess that’s what keeps me going through this prep.

  • LogicFool-1LogicFool-1 Member
    65 karma

    If P ----> Q

    AC is P.

  • clear227clear227 Core Member
    350 karma

    Assumption questions "close the loop" of an argument.

    Consider the classic:

    Premise: Socrates is a man
    Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is mortal

    What's missing here? All men are mortal.

    Omg yes, I agree with the stimulus’ of these questions being so wordy.

    The wordiness is on purpose. The test makers create long, convoluted sentences to trip you up and distract you. One thing that can help is to rephrase the premises into simpler words, to yourself. Something like "Socrates is an individual possessing all the characteristics and markers of manhood" should become "Socrates is a man").

    I feel like I was better off using purely intuition than trying to translate everything into conditional logic.

    You definitely don't need to use conditional logic. Just identify the right conclusion, and summarize or rephrase the premises to find the "hole" that you will fill.

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