Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Study abroad institution unable to mail the transcript due to COVID-19 - 7Sage Forum

Study abroad institution unable to mail the transcript due to COVID-19

Hi all!

I’ve directly enrolled in a study abroad program in UK for one academic year and decided to add it to my LSAC account and request a transcript. However, I’ve just got an email from the study abroad institution saying that they are unable to send the transcript in the post because the campus has not returned to the situation before the pandemic (the majority of school staff remain working from home and students are to receive transcripts electronically), and they can only issue transcripts by pdf.

My question is, assuming that LSAC will not accept any other form of transcript even in such an unusual time, should I request to get this institution removed from my account? (I believe this transcript is not necessarily required) If so, since I do wish to show my academic records from this study abroad program, will I be able to include the transcript as an addendum (or through any other way) later in the application process?

I've emailed LSAC about this and haven't yet got any response, so I'm hoping if someone here has encountered the similar situation and is willing to offer some direction! Any suggestion is much valued :) Thank you so much!!


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