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Working During Law School

tygmacontygmacon Member
in General 20 karma

Hi guys. I know its not recommended to work during law school, but what are you expected to do for living. Like you could stay with parents, but if the law school is hours or miles away how are we expected to pay for living expenses without working? I know some schools its not even allowed for 1L students to work. I will be going to law school straight out of undergrad, so I just need some insight or opinions.


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8486 karma

    Shoot for a good scholarship, apply to every external scholarship you can, and cover the rest with student loans.

  • Nicholas R.Nicholas R. Core Member
    23 karma


  • omwtls22omwtls22 Member
    11 karma

    In undergrad they typically only subsidize your "cost of tuition" with loans, scholarships, grants etc. but in graduate programs they will usually subsidize your "cost of living and tuition" so assumingely, you would get enough loan money to live off of. I don't speak from experience though, just different workshops about financing your legal edu.

  • 43 karma

    A lot of people I know worked through law school part time at a coffee shop or bartended so that they could cover small expenses and finance the rest through loans. Not sure about their school policies, but some of them went to reputable schools.

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