PT5.S3.Q03 - I thought the answer would be D.

vanshikaa2021vanshikaa2021 Member
edited October 2021 in Logical Reasoning 8 karma

I couldn't shake the thought off my mind that the conclusion is "matters pertaining to conservation of topsoil have been ignored for long". The given answer is E, which is a suggestion and I don't see how that's the conclusion. #help


  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    2249 karma

    I think D is a trap answer choice. It's one of those answer choices that, if you were speeding through the section in a rush to get to the end, it is one you might pick and feel confident about picking. The main conclusion is the second to last sentence: nonetheless, federal expenditures...and the main support would be the last sentence. The first couple of sentences are just context. Answer choice D sounds like a distortion of the final sentence and it's a clever trick because the test writers know you just read that final sentence and it's likely at the forefront of your mind. The problem isn't that the federal government's expenditures are "inequitable" or unequal, the problem is that the feds just aren't spending enough on soil conservation as they should, which is what E is stating.

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