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After PTing in the low to mid 160s, even a couple high 160's on my last 20 PT's, I have now failed to break 150 on both August and October LSAT. At this point i've lowered my test goal to a 154-155. I'm registered and scheduled to take my test in November but this would be the last test I am allowed to take until August 2022 due to lsac's rules. I am confused as to why this keeps happening especially when I felt so much more confident after my October test than august but I managed to score below my diagnostic score. Do I defer to January 2022 test or is that too late for this cycle?
Hi, that's what I'm planning on doing. Basically, I plan to take the January LSAT and then applying afterwards to several law schools. I was told that the deadlines for most of the law schools are around March. If you get a really good score on the January LSAT, I don't think you should worry too much about being accepted at a school seeing as your score can carry you.
It sounds like you might not be ready to take it again in November, and delaying could ultimately be in your best interest. January is definitely on the later side of the application cycle, but it would be better to apply with a higher score later than a below-median score sooner. Scholarships are one major consideration, as a lot of the money might be spoken for by January, but a lower score will certainly effect your eligibility for merit aid.
Just to try and help with the test day score dip, are you taking practice tests under the exact same conditions as the real thing? I'm talking down to every last detail: time, location, proctor, being ready ahead of time with 5 sheets of paper, taking 4 sections, a 10-minute intermission. If not, consider making your PTs much more strict and by the book to simulate test day conditions. Hopefully that will shore up some of this discrepancy for you.
Best of luck!
NO! I called every school im applying to two days ago to ask the same question. They reassured me its not too late. IDK if I recommend it, but some of them said February isn't too late either. Dont give up. Im scared too! We can do it
I will also be taking the January test since I don't think I will make a good score on the November test. Most schools are March in their deadline which gives you ample time to have all your materials turned in along with your test before hand. I would study extremely hard for these next 2 months and using more recent Pts and follow the advice of making sure your pts are in perfect simulation of the actual test. A better score will stand out more I believe in January than a low score being used earlier in the enrollment cycle.
January is not late for this cycle. In previous years it would be considered late but it's now considered completely fine
@patsfan2000 Hello. I saw a couple of other people saying the same thing that January isn't late for this cycle. What makes this cycle different?
@NicktheGreek The cycle this year is different due to how crazy things were last cycle. There was a major increase in applications that caught most schools off guard. some of them sent out too many acceptances that they had to ask students to defer.
Because of that, most schools are delaying their decision period a bit to so they have a realistic idea of how many applicants to expect. I've seen a number of schools say they aren't going to start sending out decision until January/February. Of course this isn't true of all schools, some are already sending out decisions.
If it's for Duke, it may be too late. I asked an admissions officer point-blank during an information session and he flat-out told me spots will be full by December.
@Ashley2018 makes a good point. Jan/Feb will probably be late for most T14 Schools. If you're considering schools outside the T14, you're probably going to be fine.
It's not too late!!! I asked admissions reps who came to the law school fair at my college and they said January is fine!! (Also, one rep said she isn't even opening apps until mid November) so you'll be fine
good luck!!
Can you elaborate a little bit? Does that mean Nov is too late as well? If Nov scores are released Dec first...Or did they just mean they will be finished filling spots by the end of Dec? Thank you
I always tell students to check the schools they are applying to. It doesn't matter if that date is fine for 99% of the schools if it's too late for the one you want to go to. That being said, it should be OK for the vast majority.
The November exam is not too late, but January is. Yes, the spots will be filled by the end of December, according to that one admissions officer I spoke with.
I completely agree with what @Ashley2018 mentioned in regards to Duke. I spoke with Duke Admissions as well, and I was told the same. January may be too late for some schools, but the cycle may be slow this year around. I am personally also taking January, and I recommend you still shoot your shot. You never know how things can turn out.
Maybe this is a silly question, but when we check with schools, what exactly should we say? Something along the lines of
"do you still accept applications with a January LSAT score?"
or something asking for more nuance, like
"Will applying with a January LSAT score put me at a greater disadvantage in this cycle? How could this influence scholarship?"
Is that too blunt? I'm unsure
@kazoobaby -usually in the application, under the instructions it will say what the latest LSAT score the school accepts is. Usually it's after January. I wouldn't worry about sounding blunt. Just ask what you want to know - I probably wouldn't ask about scholarships though. Your more nuanced question though I think is just fine.
Just wanted to say I am in the same boat as you with the PT vs. real test score discrepancy, and am now taking the Jan test to try to get a decent score so I can apply in good conscience. It isn't too late and we can do it!!! 2 months to study, we got this!
LOL. I also asked Duke admissions office if submitting apps would be late by Jan. They told me by email that it won't be late.
"The January LSAT score will not put you at a disadvantage for decision or scholarship review." THE EXACT QUOTE.
They were basically done last year by January. IIRC the year before too... someone could check lsd if they wanted to confirm. The Jan score won't disadvantage you... for any slots that are left. They appear to have figured out a good formula for hitting medians early and building a WL that accounts for yield. I'm sure they'll happily take your money though.
Wonderful. I want to walk off a cliff now.
Well, I mean, that doesn't mean that is what will happen this year... but a Jan score even in a slow cycle still not early, nor would I expect any school to discourage apps even if they were objectively late for their specific class formulation strategy.
Shoot your shots... I applied in February expecting to have to reapply for a 3rd cycle and it worked out.
Wait so you were a re-applicant? What did you change in your reapplication?
My lsat score and all my essays... plus one year working as a teacher. @Ashley2018
I applied in the 19-20 cycle with a 158 but decided to try again after I pulled a bunch of t14 WLs.
Damn. You working hard haha.