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Admissions Result

Hi guys. I just wanted to make a post to end my 7sage career. I took the LSAT twice, cancelled in August, was apart of the crowd that got messed up in October and ended up getting a lower end 160. I was devastated and thought I wouldn't get into any schools. I ended up getting into Georgetown yesterday after applying at the beginning of November. I guess I post this to let everyone studying know that things are going to work out even if you don't think they will. Best of luck to everyone :)


  • rhea.mehra19rhea.mehra19 Member
    8 karma

    This is amazing needed to hear this congratulations!!

  • qs2159qs2159 Member
    342 karma


  • Darien022Darien022 Member
    129 karma

    Congrats! Best of luck

  • fallisherefallishere Member
    34 karma


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1626 karma

    @"lsat2021-2" said:
    Hi guys. I just wanted to make a post to end my 7sage career. I took the LSAT twice, cancelled in August, was apart of the crowd that got messed up in October and ended up getting a lower end 160. I was devastated and thought I wouldn't get into any schools. I ended up getting into Georgetown yesterday after applying at the beginning of November. I guess I post this to let everyone studying know that things are going to work out even if you don't think they will. Best of luck to everyone :)


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Congrats! Dean Andy is awesome.

  • Clementine-2Clementine-2 Member
    edited December 2021 213 karma

    Omg!! Congratulations!! This is encouraging to me because the exact same thing has happened to me except in November.

  • go.get.em.tigergo.get.em.tiger Core Member
    6 karma

    I love this! Congratulations :)

  • niubigelasiniubigelasi Alum Member
    11 karma


  • bxb661-1-1bxb661-1-1 Member
    6 karma

    If you got in with low 160 in Georgetown it's not luck, either you have an impressive resume or affirmative action.

  • lsat2021-2lsat2021-2 Alum Member
    275 karma

    I'm definitely not saying it's luck! I think it was my personal statement. But, I am posting this to show that LSAT is not everything. > @"bxb661-1" said:

    If you got in with low 160 in Georgetown it's not luck, either you have an impressive resume or affirmative action.

  • whatlikeitshardwhatlikeitshard Alum Member
    220 karma

    Wow that is amazing, congratulations!! As someone who has been in DC for 4+ years, Georgetown would be a DREAM! I'm hoping for a low 160s which is why Georgetown would be a stretch for me...any Georgetown specific tips? Thank you so much!

  • gabehasastorygabehasastory Member
    38 karma

    did you apply as URM? sorry if this is personal! just a little curious.

  • lsat2021-2lsat2021-2 Alum Member
    275 karma

    @gabehasastory said:
    did you apply as URM? sorry if this is personal! just a little curious.

    No I did not! I am a KJD and not URM

  • lsat2021-2lsat2021-2 Alum Member
    275 karma

    @whatlikeitshard said:
    Wow that is amazing, congratulations!! As someone who has been in DC for 4+ years, Georgetown would be a DREAM! I'm hoping for a low 160s which is why Georgetown would be a stretch for me...any Georgetown specific tips? Thank you so much!

    Direct message me and we can talk about it!

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