I have noticed that there don't seem to be any recent responses from J.Y. or his team on any of the comments after any of the lectures for many, many months. Does anybody know if they are still being checked? No sense leaving questions for the authors of this study guide if the comments are not proctored.
7Sage is community driven and members help each other out as best as they can. So please don't refrain from leaving a question, chances are it'll be answered by one of the community members.
The admins have worked to create a vibrant community of helpful individuals and I would say they have been very successful in doing so. That being said, of course none of us are right all the time, even the sages or the admins, but that it what the community is there for. We all help pick up one another's slack, so if someone sees poor advice or factually incorrect information, everyone here is mature enough to welcome constructive criticism.
If you ask a question on a lesson about universal quantifiers and I tell you the wrong group, you can be sure someone else will come along to correct me and offer you further guidance. And more often than not in that situation I or anyone else would come back and apologize and realize our mistake.
Half the people on the group BR calls have never taken an official LSAT, but I have found my time talking to them to be invaluable. Just because someone is not labeled as an expert does not mean they can't help guide you through a logical argument. It's logic, not rocket science. The longer you hang around the more you will find yourself on the receiving end of help from very intelligent and knowledgable people who may or may not meet your definition of expert, but I think it would be foolish of you to dismiss their advice because of that predisposition.