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I would like to offer help to people who are struggling or just getting started with LR over zoom or discord. My last 6 PTs averaged at 170, and I usually score around 0/-2 for LR. I am planning on taking the Sep or Oct lsat and I'm still trying to increase my score- so I am hoping that by helping others, I can also improve.
I have very open availability, so let me know if you are interested!
Hi, I'd love your help!
If you’re still available when I start PTing I’d love the help. Thanks for giving back to the community!
Hi! I would really appreciate your help as I have been struggling a lot with LR and don't know what to do
I've been going over the lessons and BR but nothing seems to click yet especially with 4/5 difficulty
i would be interested, if you got the time.....
provide the details on what date, time and the link to connect via zoom
Hey I'm also interested! Let me know the date and time. I plan on taking the June and Aug LSAT!
Open to your help! Thank you.
I am also interested. Thanks for the space.
I'm very much interested. Thanks in advance for giving some of us the chance.
Hi, I'm interested! Thanks.
Hi! I'm interested, thank you
Hi, I'm interest!
Hey! if you've still got availability, I'd love to learn from you. Thank you so much for this and best wishes with your LSAT/law journey.
Hello, if you still have availability I would love to be a part your group/journey... Thank you!
Hi - interested as well! Please let me know if you have any availability
I'd love to join a session!
I am so interested! Please let me know if you still have availability. Thank you!
I am very interested as well! Same here, when I start to do PTs and if you are still available, I would love your help!! Thank you!
would appreciate the help as well!
If you still have room, I'd also love to join! Thank you!
I'm interested, too! Thank you
Also very interested if you still have room! Thanks so much for offering this!
Interested! Thank you!
Interested! Thank you!
Interested! thank you
Id love your help!
I would love your help!! Super interested!!
Hi! I would love your help if your schedule permits.
Hello thank you for your generous offer! If there is still some room, I am interested!
Interested as well! Thanks for your offer
Interested. how to join?
Very interested in joining!
I will love your help, I am having a hard time and I will like to learn from you. Thank you for giving back to the community
Interested! Thanks so much!
I'd really appreciate it if you could help!
Interested, if you have availability!
I'm interested!
I'm interested, I'm just getting started.
I updated my comments here. I am super interested! Please let me know if you still are available. Thanks!!
I am interested! Thank you!