For LR questions in which there are two authors with opposite views and the question stem only refers to one, do you recommend immediately reading the portion of the argument that the stem is referring to or reading the argument in its entirety? I figure if you only refer to the argument the stem refers to, it may save time. but then again it may cause you to miss something such as what the two authors disagree/agree about.
I know 7sage instructs to read the stems first, but that is one area where I didn't follow the curriculum. I always liked to read and understand the argument before I read the question stem. I felt like reading the question stem first would bias the way I read the argument and I preferred not to do so.
Using that strategy I went -1 on all LR on test day.
Plus, I was often able to anticipate what sort of question stem I was going to get just by reading and understanding the argument.