I love music and sharing music, so I want to know what your HAPPY song is!
This is (currently) mine:

Obvious title is obvious. It's catchy and I'm a sucker for catchy songs. (ADHD forces catchy songs to repeat over and over in my head... Sigh.)
To post yours, just paste the YouTube link here!
Time to introduce some culture into this forum (don't listen to any american artists/singers/groups anyways). One of my happy songs.
Never gets old!
Heard this song for the first time after watching Matilda. It's my go to happy song.
the beat is great, the lyrics are a bit stalker-ish
We all want to get better
I was listening to this before I posted it (I hadn't heard it in awhile) and discovered this a GREAT song for all of us who are all LSAT all the time. Enjoy ^.^
Bros by Wolf Alice, its a pretty touching song about friendship. What's better than friendship? I decided to put a live session version, because I love this band and watching people perform is more interesting than staring at a still image.
Good song!