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7Sage Podcast Episode #91 - Other Side Of The Desk

Maureen --Student Service--Maureen --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
edited October 2022 in Podcasts 404 karma


  • wilortiz1-1-1wilortiz1-1-1 Live Member
    4 karma

    New to 7Sage. Do I need to purchase books. Where do I start at?

  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    edited October 2022 848 karma

    @wilortiz1-1-1 The course is intended to be comprehensive. Some students choose to supplement with other material but that's not necessary. If you would like to supplement the course, here is a list of our recommended books: https://7sage.com/lsat-books/

    We recommend that students get started on the Syllabus page and work through the Syllabus in order. However, you can choose which Lesson you would like to work on by tapping on that Lesson title.

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