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On hold

Hey everyone!

I've read up on holds and I know I shouldn't be freaking out but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.

I received notification today from one of the schools I applied to that my application is on hold. Specifically that "the Committee is unable to reach a final decision on your application. A file placed on hold will undergo a second review by our Admissions Committee. They decide to admit, deny, or waitlist the applicant at that time."

I applied at the very beginning of September if that helps out some context.

What has me really nervous is that this school is one of my safety schools. Specifically it is the safety to my safety schools. So if they couldn't come to a decision the first time around I'm worried that maybe I set my sights way too high. But at the same time I'm wondering if it is possible that the email they sent is just a template and it says the same thing regardless of the hold reason? I'm not sure how to feel about this one.

Any insight?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited October 2022 2245 karma

    If this school is the "safety to [your] safety schools," I'm going to assume you're well above both of the school's medians, maybe even both of their 75th percentiles. If this is the case, it's' possible they're considering waitlisting you for yield protection. Maybe they put you on hold because they're deciding what to do. If you're not way above their medians, though, I'm probably wrong. Also, even if I correctly assumed you're well above their medians, I don't know anything about holds, so definitely get another opinion.

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