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November LSAT I need MAJOR help

gurpreetk35gurpreetk35 Alum Member

Hey guys,

so this is my third time taking the lsat i took it last year in October bombed that cause my anxiety messed me up, and made a mistake and took it within a month again and did horrible my anxiety and nervousness really gets to me. I was suppose to take it in August but didnt feel just ready, October was my next date but had an emergency in my family, now I am taking it in November. im STRESSED because my LR can be anywhere from -5 to -13, and RC is -6 to -12, I really just want to get a 160 is there any advice how i can do better in these two sections before the exam. Ive been trying it all and just feel so hopeless and scared. I'd appreciate any advice because I really want to succeed.


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Do you have to take the test in November? Like, could you push back to January?

    Additionally, is your BR score usually at least as good as -5 on LR and -6 on RC? To go from -5 on one LR section, which is considered a good LR score by most, to -13, which is missing roughly half of the section, it's important to know if your issue is grasping the content or timing and strategy. If your BR is at least a -5 or -6 for each section, then the issue lies in your approach to the sections, or anxiety, or both.

    I don't mean to answer your question with questions, but to address your issues, they must first be diagnosed.

  • gurpreetk35gurpreetk35 Alum Member
    196 karma

    @"Matt Sorr" said:
    Do you have to take the test in November? Like, could you push back to January?

    Additionally, is your BR score usually at least as good as -5 on LR and -6 on RC? To go from -5 on one LR section, which is considered a good LR score by most, to -13, which is missing roughly half of the section, it's important to know if your issue is grasping the content or timing and strategy. If your BR is at least a -5 or -6 for each section, then the issue lies in your approach to the sections, or anxiety, or both.

    I don't mean to answer your question with questions, but to address your issues, they must first be diagnosed.

    So I am able to do all questions within the time frame. Yeah the flaw questions are a killer for me. For past tests in the 70s and 80s i reached my goal or near there. the recent 90s are the one thats getting to me.

  • blanklawblanklaw Member
    edited November 2022 490 karma

    Yes-- it sounds like you are sorely lacking in a consistent approach. Make one, and use that to guide you through the section. I.e. LR -- my process for stimulus analysis is 1. Identify premise and conclusion 2. Identify Method of Reasoning 3. Make a goal for what the AC will need to address. LG-- my process is 1. Identify game type 2. Write down rules and pieces 3. make everything as visually representative as possible 4. See how the rules play with each other 5. Go to the questions. For RC, I just have different tactics that help me stay focused on reading the passage correctly

    Oh, also try to make sure that you have plans/ways of dealing with your anxiety on test day-- whether that's with taking short breaks, self affirmation reminders, etc. just make sure that your headspace is most optimal to do the work on the test.

    Hope this helps!

  • gurpreetk35gurpreetk35 Alum Member
    196 karma

    @blanklaw said:
    Yes-- it sounds like you are sorely lacking in a consistent approach. Make one, and use that to guide you through the section. I.e. LR -- my process for stimulus analysis is 1. Identify premise and conclusion 2. Identify Method of Reasoning 3. Make a goal for what the AC will say. LG-- my process is 1. Identify game type 2. Write down rules and pieces 3. make everything as visually representative as possible 4. See how the rules play with each other 5. Go to the questions. For RC, I just have different tactics that help me stay focused on reading the passage correctly

    Oh, also try to make sure that you have plans/ways of dealing with your anxiety on test day-- whether that's with taking short breaks, self affirmation reminders, etc. just make sure that your headspace is most optimal to do the work on the test.

    Hope this helps!

    thank you I am definitely going to try this going forward!!!

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