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I can't finish PT sections on time

sandmasterhsandmasterh Live Member
in General 29 karma

Hey all,

I took a diagnostic a few months ago and have taken maybe 4 PTs total. I am in no rush to take PTs but take a PT when I am too bored of CC.

One of my problems is I can't finish more than ~12 Qs per timed section (minus LG lol I finish way less here). A month ago my PT score was 135 --> 151 BR, and yesterday it was 132 --> 152 BR. I'm not happy with either, as my goal is 170 and hope to take the LSAT July 2023. I also work part-time and have obligations, so I study/review CC every other day for ~ 3 hours.

My questions are: is it normal to see very slow change? Should I focus on and complete CC before taking PTs? It's also hard to find motivation when I'm sucking so hard. Any and all advice welcome <3


  • Alisa417-1-1Alisa417-1-1 Core Member
    11 karma

    Timing is hard for me too! I have advice but it may only apply to the LG section:

    What worked for me to improve in that department was to do drills untimed first. I would just take my time with them and just make sure I actually understood how to do the problem, even if it took me an hour. Then I would check my answers, watch the explanation videos, and once I understood what I was doing or where I went wrong originally I would try the question untimed again. I would do this same thing with a few questions, and then a few hours or days later I would try the exact same questions again but this time I would check the "target time", and although I still set the timer to unlimited I would try to see how close I could get to that target time. This has been my method for a few weeks now. Eventually, I ended up becoming pretty good at hitting the target time or getting really close to it for questions I had never even tried before!
    Basically, once you fully understand the different things that can show up and stop worrying about the time, it makes it a lot easier to conquer at a faster rate without even trying. I still struggle, and maybe did not get every question correct, but I will say that I was able to finish all of my LG sections on time during the November test after not even coming close on my September PT!
    Not sure if this was much help, but just throwing it out there! Good luck, we got this

  • sandmasterhsandmasterh Live Member
    29 karma

    Omg this was TREMENDOUS help and I am integrating your method into my studies now. Thank you for your response <3 and I hope you get the score you are aiming for!

  • julia.grevejulia.greve Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    192 karma

    Hey there,

    Timing is definitely a big challenge on the LSAT. In the beginning it is certainly a good idea to focus mostly on mastering the core curriculum and building a foundation of reasoning skill.

    But, you still want to include some percentage of timed work into your practice so you can slowly adapt to the speeded nature of this test.

    Try beginning with a small percent — say, 10% of each study day — and incrementally increase each week. This will give your brain the chance to digest the material you’re learning while also adapting to that necessary level of speed.

    Hope this helps!

  • sandmasterhsandmasterh Live Member
    29 karma

    Hi Julia. Would you recommend beginning with 1 untimed LG game, BR (and retake it untimed some days/weeks later), then slowly increase to 4 LG games per drill?

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