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how to check answers on drills and problem sets

chtran6627chtran6627 Alum Member

How do you check answers after completing the blind review? I don't see where you can submit the reviewed section and receive feedback.


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1617 karma

    @chtran6627 When you are done with the blind review section, please tap on “I completed blind review” followed by the “End Blind Review” button. Doing so will save your blind review answers and allow you to proceed and view your results.

    Please see GIF below:

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I’m here to assist you.

  • chtran6627chtran6627 Alum Member
    12 karma

    My problem was checking the answers after clicking and completing the blind review, not checking after the initial attempt.

  • Maureen --Student Service--Maureen --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    404 karma

    Hi @chtran6627 After finishing the timed section and completing your blind review, simply tap the blue “Show Results” button to check your answers. See the GIF below:


    You can also view your previous Custom Drill set results by going to the Drills tab and tapping on "Show Existing Drills". Search for the custom drill set that you previously took, and under the Results column, tap on "Review" to view your results. See the GIF below:


    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  • alaamido103alaamido103 Live Member
    edited April 25 2 karma

    it's not giving me "show results" option or is scoring the drill. Just keeps saying "continue" and I can't see the results

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