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Working Full-Time Study Group 165+

amandarobertsamandaroberts Alum Member
edited February 2023 in Study Groups 83 karma


I'm planning on taking the LSAT in a couple of months, and I would like to form a study group of about 5-8 people for those whose goal is a 165+ and working full-time and have already completed more than 80% of the core curriculum. In this group, we will virtually meet 2 times a week (once on the weekend, and once on a weekday). On the weekend, we will blind review one PT test from 70-93 (all sections). On the weekday, we will take one timed 35 minute section (alternating each week between LG, LR, RC), and then blind review this afterwards together. The aim of this group is to help each other and benefit from each others' strengths!

When blind reviewing, we will try going in depth with each question. Even if every individual has gotten the answer correct, we will come to a consensus on why this answer is better than the others instead of moving on to the next question without discussing it. This does take more time, but if we do go over time, the rest of the questions can be posted on a discussion board following the session.

Logic games are a bit tricky to blind review together. To overcome this, when blind reviewing a logic game section, study group members should watch the explanation videos before, and if they still don't understand, we will go over the rules and conditions together, drawing out the diagram, and having one group member that understands the question well 'teach' the others for that day or 'lead' the discussion. On a logic game blind review weekday, we will also do 1 very hard problem together.

Also, each week there will be an assignment board (sort of like homework) for each day which is optional to keep us on track and have some structure. A discussion board will be made for any questions / sharing thought processes of how you solved hard questions pertaining to these assignments (for ex. Monday - do PT 65 Section 1 Logic Games).

Timings will most likely adhere to those working full-time and live in North America (after 4pm ET on weekdays, and anytime on weekends). We will meet for 1 hour maximum, 2 times a week. If you live in the East, and can still make it to the session, you are welcome to join! All ideas on structure are welcome once the group is formed! :) Comment if you are interested and I will add you to the discord.

Edit: hi guys! most likely will be sending out the discord invite tomorrow (feb 7th) :)


  • mikalyn.greenzweigmikalyn.greenzweig Alum Member
    514 karma


  • Alum Member
    9 karma

    I’d be interested

  • trilieuxtrilieux Alum Member
    15 karma


  • offy0c-1-1offy0c-1-1 Live Member
    256 karma


  • darykcayun98darykcayun98 Alum Member
    42 karma


  • sepe6hr-1sepe6hr-1 Member
    6 karma

    Working full time and very much interested.

  • interested

  • daw267daw267 Core Member
    2 karma


  • wjamanda117wjamanda117 Core Member
    24 karma


  • nm07932nm07932 Core Member
    2 karma


  • Lucky2025Lucky2025 Core Member
    95 karma


  • doreah920doreah920 Alum Member
    34 karma

    Working full-time & interested!

  • Angiex.34Angiex.34 Alum Member
    73 karma


    33 karma

    Currently working FT! Interested!

  • paigeqian2paigeqian2 Member
    5 karma


  • 27 karma


  • tayap75346tayap75346 Member
    3 karma

    It might be challenging to conduct a blind assessment of logic games. To solve this problem, study group members should watch the explanation videos prior to blind reviewing a logic game section. If they still don't understand, we will go over the rules and conditions together, draw out the diagram, and have one group member who is knowledgeable about the question "teach" or "lead" the discussion for that day. We will also work on 1 really difficult issue as a group on a weekday while we are reviewing logic games.

  • ays__567ays__567 Core Member
    8 karma


  • Chris101Chris101 Live Member
    24 karma


  • krxqm333krxqm333 Member
    82 karma


  • tdfreeze21tdfreeze21 Alum Member
    11 karma


  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    195 karma

    Hey everyone. In case any of you are still looking for a study group, I wanted to let you know about an event we have coming up - our next "Study Group Breakout" is on Tuesday, February 21st from 9:00-10:30pm ET. It can be a really great way to work with others and possibly find a group that you would like to continue studying with!

    Here's how it works:
    1. Register for the Breakout no later than Monday, February 20th.
    2. Take PT54 Section 2 (based on 7Sage's numbering - should be an LR section) and blind review it, but DON'T look at the answers (I suggest you take it as a "Drill" rather than as a PrepTest)! You can do this by going to the "Practice" tab and choosing "Drills," then selecting "Newer" PTs, selecting "Logical Reasoning," and scrolling to PT54 S2 (NOT S4, the other LR section for this test). You will have to individually add each question to your drill, but hit "Create drill with 26 questions" at the bottom right when finished, and voila!
    3. Log in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We will automatically place you in a group of 3-5 students with similar scores so you can review the section together.
    4. At the end of the session, you can exchange emails and keep meeting if you enjoyed the group.

    Hope to see you there! Register for the event using this link:

  • eruiz096eruiz096 Member
    7 karma

    Hi! Are we still able to join?

  • Jacqueline B.Jacqueline B. Core Member
    8 karma

    Would love to join!

  • Natalie GraceNatalie Grace Core Member
    5 karma

    I would like to join !

  • romielsattromielsatt Alum Member
    16 karma

    i would like to join!

  • faticastilloh-1faticastilloh-1 Core Member
    43 karma

    I would like to join!

  • tayap75346tayap75346 Member
    edited February 2023 3 karma

    Members of the study group should watch the explanation videos first to address this issue before blindly reviewing a logic game portion. If they still don't comprehend, we will debate the guidelines and circumstances as a group, create the diagram, and have a knowledgeable group member "teach" or "lead" the conversation that day.

  • lakeivanoellakeivanoel Member
    7 karma


  • tayap75346tayap75346 Member
    3 karma

    To solve this problem, study group members should watch the explanation videos prior to blind reviewing a logic game section. If they still don't understand, we will go over the rules and conditions together, draw out the diagram, and have one group member who is knowledgeable about the question "teach" or "lead" the discussion for that day.

  • TG337207TG337207 Alum Member
    13 karma


  • bailey.luberbailey.luber Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    352 karma

    Hey there! Popping in to say that if you missed the last one, you're in luck! Join us for our next "Study Group Breakout" on Tuesday, April 4th from 9:00-10:30pm ET.

    Here's how it works:

    Register for the Breakout no later than Monday, April 3rd.

    Take PT55 Section 1 (based on 7Sage's numbering - should be an LR section) and Blind Review it, but DON'T look at the answers. I suggest you take it as a "Drill" rather than as a PrepTest! You can do this by going to the "Practice" tab and choosing "Drills," then selecting "Newer" PTs, selecting "Logical Reasoning," and scrolling to PT55 S1 (NOT S3, the other LR section for PT55). You will have to individually add each question to your drill, but hit "Create drill with 26 questions" at the bottom right when finished, and voila!

    Log in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We will automatically place you in a group of 3-5 students with similar scores so you can review the section together.

    At the end of the session, you can exchange emails and keep meeting if you enjoyed the group.

    Hope to see you there! Register for the event using this link:

  • jannathomas17jannathomas17 Alum Member
    18 karma


  • atokakovaatokakova Core Member
    22 karma

    is this post still relevant? if so, count me in :)

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