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logical indicator 'until'

the logical indicator 'until'
in this ex/ mary goes to the gym until brittany goes to the gym

  • M ->B
    -B -> M

would this be the correct translation?

[anything that follows until is the nec, modify the remaining of the sentence by negating-- which then becomes the suff condition?


  • offy0c-1-1offy0c-1-1 Live Member
    edited February 2023 256 karma

    So from my understanding of "until" is that it falls into the group three for logical indicators. This means that when you read the sentence (by choosing to go with until as your logical indicator) we are expected to negate either the necessary or sufficient statement. I usually go with the sufficient statement, but there are instances where it makes more sense to go with the necessary (as I think I have confronted this in a few LR questions).

    So according to the example you provided, I would diagram as: "-M->B" (reading as if Mary does not go to gym then Brittany goes) and its CP would be "-B->M".

    Hope this helps!

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